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Graham SOULT

krog_gb.gif - 680 Bytes Researcher on the program Architecture at Centre for Urban Technology, University of Newcastle. Degree at University in Sheffield / Architecture in 1996; post-graduate studies in 1998 / Architecture and planning. Centre for Urban Technology, School of Architecture, Planning and landscape, University of Newcastle,
krog_si.gif - 2517 Bytes Raziskovalec na programu Arhitektura pri Centre for Urban Technology, University of Newcastle. Diploma na Univerzi v Sheffieldu / Arhitektura 1996; podiplomski študij 1998 / Arhitektura in Prostorsko nacrtovanje. Centre for Urban Technology, School of Architecture, Planning and landscape, University of Newcastle,

pismo.gif - 131 Bytes Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom
afna.gif - 144 Bytes g.a.soult@ncl.ac.uk
www.gif - 284 Bytes personal page

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Hrvatsko Med ohranjanjem in napredkom
English Preservation versus Progress
Deutsch Zwischen der Erhaltung und dem Vorsprung
Italiano Tra preservazione e sviluppo

updated: October 1999