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Nold Egenter

gb Architect, ethnologist and architectural anthropologist. Works with numerous publications on the buildup of architectural anthropology and anthropologically founded architectural theory. DIrector of 'Documentation Office for Fundamental Studies in Building Theory', Zurich. Researcher at the Swiss federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne.
si Arhitekt, etnolog in arhitekturni antropolog. Vodilni mislec teorije arhitekture. Sodeluje z množico revij na področju arh. antropologije in teorije arhitekture. Je direktor 'Dokumentationstelle fuer Baugrundlageforschung', Zuerich. Raziskovalec pri l'Ecole Polytechnique Federale Suisse, Lausanne.

pismo.gif - 131 Bytes Dokumentationstelle fuer Baugrundlagenforschung
Chorgasse 19
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11th conference
Slovenscina Zakaj naj bi relativno nedotaknjena območja vernakularne arhitekture ohranili za prihajajoče generacije?
English Why should we conserve relatively intact domains of Vernacular Architecture for future Generations?
10th conference
Slovenscina Urbano - ruralna razcepljenost, vernakularna arhitektura z vidika antropologije
English Urban Rural Dichotomy, Vernacular Architecture in the framework of Habitat Anthropology

updated: October 2001