Rojen v Sofiji, Bolgarija. Arhitekturo je studiral v Achnu, Nemcija in v Sofiji, Bolgarija. Deluje na podrocjih obnove in urbanizma, stipendija Deutche Akademische Austausdienst. 1983 doktorska disertacija. Sodelovanje z International Academy of Architecture ter na International Roster of Experts of the United Nation Centre for Human Settlements. Svobodni arhitekt v Wuerzburgu, od leta 1992 pedagog na TU Graz, Avstrija. Dela v biroju URBoPLAN v Gradcu (Zancanella+Doytchinov). Clan: ICOMOS, Paris; ISG Internationales Staedteforum, Graz; Institut fuer den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa, Dunaj. |
Born in Sofia, Bulgaria. Architectural studies in Aachen, Germany and in Sofia, Bulgaria. Practice in town planning and renewal, scholarship of the Deutche Akademische Austauschdienst. 1983 PhD degree, after this co-operation with International Academy of Architecture, added to the International Roster of Experts of the United Nation Centre for Human Settlements, free lanced architect in Würzburg, from 1992 university lecturer at the TU Graz, practice at URBoPLAN Graz (Zancanella+Doytchinov). Member: International Council of Monuments and Sites, Paris; Internationales Städteforum Graz; Institut für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa, Wien |
TU Fakultaet fuer Architektur Rechbauerstr. 12 8010 Graz Austria |
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