dr Grigor Doytchinov
Preservation and Adaptation of the Historic Centre of Nablus, Palestine
The pressure of the economic development and the cultural change hits in particular the vernacular architecture and the traditional cultural landscape in the developing countries. The traditional way of life and the cultural context are giving way to the processes of modernisation and globalisation. This tendency causes specific problems in the adaptation of vernacular ensembles to everyday life and their preservation as cultural heritage in future.
The theoretical statements of the report are based on a project from the practice - The detailed master plan and the concept for the preservation and adaptation of the Historic Centre of Nablus in the autonomous Palestine. It is a an attempt to define ways of integration of two contradiction aspects - the cultural policy of preservation and the social policy of development.
The historic centre of Nablus is still characterised by a compact structure. The elements of the cultural heritage form a coherent system. The archaeological heritage forms an integral part of the architecture. The whole area is at the same time of great social and commercial importance.
Several earthquakes through history have damaged the historic centre heavily. High ruins still endanger the inhabitants. Inadequate new architecture and additions disturb the historic ensemble. A complete documentation as a starting point for a scientific consideration of the history of architecture is not available.
The project contents the systematic documentation and analysis, as well as the concept for preservation of the vernacular structures and their adaptation to modern necessities of life. The project relates with the higher ranking tasks to develop the historic core of Nablus as a social, cultural and commercial centre of Palestine. The concept offers a strategy of development, based on the layers of coherent historic structures and present-day material symbols.
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