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Read and fill in the gaps.


   baggage belt      boarding      boarding card      delayed      estimated time of departure      gate      hall      hand luggage      land      monitor      passport      plane      stickers      suitcases      ticket      to label  

Check-in agent : Good morning sir, will you give me your and your please.
Passeneger: Here you are.
Check-in agent : Put your on the please.
Passeneger: Can I keep this with me?
Check-in agent : Of course, but you have it. The are in front of you.
Passeneger: Is on time? I didn't see the of on the .
Check-in agent : I'm afraid not, sir, your didn't yet. The boarding time is an hour. Here is your , boarding hall West, up the escalator, nine. Enjoy your trip sir.
Passeneger: Thank you. Bye.


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