Air Travel Tips

  • When you book your flight, opt for a special meal selection. Like low-sodium or vegetarian. These meals are usually prepared by hand and are a little better quality, plus the flight attendants generally serve the special meals first no matter where you are on the plane.
  • Bring an empty water bottle in your carry on luggage. After you get past security you can fill it up at a water fountain. This saves on buying expensive airport water.
  • Don't wear cologne, perfume or hair spray. They're flammable. Keep hair spray to a minimum if you must wear it, and skip the perfume and cologne entirely. Remember that an airplane is a small, enclosed space.
  • When dressing, consider the weather at your destination. It's easy to check weather for almost anywhere in the world online, so you can know in advance whether it will be sweltering or snowing.
  • Wear comfortable clothes. The stylish jogging suits available now are a good option, as long as they're natural fibers.


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