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  ENO project                            Uroš Žvan, OS Gorje
The project/Projekt

The place we live
Favourite place/Najljubši kraj
Vprašalnik SLO
Ecol. footprint



finski jezik



Eno song/Eno pesem
Conference02/ Konferenca02


uk.gif (7420 bytes)The theme of the last months was still water and our students looked for articles about water in magazines and news and they also wrote their own ones. here is one written by Marko from class 5.


In our neighbourhood there you can find clean underground water and many natural water springs that would be worth taking pictures (Ravnica is the place where they can be found.).           

We have a well that we call it 'Šterna' and we still use it for drinking, cooking, washing and for water closet every day. Our village hasn’t had waterworks yet so all the houses have their own well. We will get waterworks in 2005 they say but we will keep our well too as my parents are convinced that the water from the well is of better quality and healthier. There is always enough water in our place specially when there is enough rain. We also use rainwater for watering our garden. Rainwater is also cleaner than underground water except when our neighbour sprays plants with an insecticide or when it rains heavily. Then it has a strange smell or it is a bit muddy.

Close to our village there are many interesting caves with underground water which haven’t been formally investigated. There you can find rare species and also leeches. We call the caves by the plot where they are found. Near my grandma’s house there is a spring with a pool. In one of such pools a cow was drowned. There are also interesting plants growing in those pools. One of them you can see in the photo. Each year we burn the pool so we can easier get the brunches for making brooms.



slo_zastava.gif (892 bytes) Tema zadnjih dveh mesecev je bila še vedno voda. Učenci smo iskali članke o vodi v časopisih in revijah in poslušali novice. Poleg tega pa smo jih tudi sami napisali. Tu je primer enega, ki ga je napisal Marko iz 5. razreda.


V naši okolici je zelo čista voda-podtalnica, naravni izviri, ki bi jih lahko poslikali(Ravnica). Vodnjak:''Šterna'' imamo tudi za uporabo.

Za pitje in kuhanje ter za uporabo v kopalnici, stranišču.V naši vasi nimamo vodovoda, zato imamo vsi vodnjake. Vodovod bomo dobili leta 2005, vendar bomo obdržali tudi vodnjak, saj so starši mnenja, da je taka voda boljša za vse, tudi za delovanje pomivalnega in pralnega stroja. 

Vode je vedno dovolj, sploh pa kadar je dovolj padavin, tako da deževnico uporabljamo tudi za zalivanje. Deževnica je tudi bolj čista kot podtalnica, razen kadar sosed škropi ali včasih ko pada dež. Takrat je voda malo motna in ima čuden vonj. Takrat vodo prekuhamo. V naši okolici je še precej neraziskanih podzemnih jam z vodo, kjer živijo nekatere živali(pijavka). Jamam damo ime po parceli na kateri najdemo jamo. 

V bližini nonine hiše imamo studenec in mlako. V mlaki je nekoč sosedu utonila krava. V mlaki rastejo tudi posebne rastline, eno izmed njih sem prinesel v solo in jo lahko vidite na sliki. Vsako leto mlako zažgemo da lažje pridemo do vej za izdelavo metelj.




© Viljenka Šavli