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  ENO project                            Uroš Žvan, OS Gorje
The project/Projekt

The place we live
This is our nature     
Our culture and nature
Sustainable development
This is our culture
Eno exhibition


Minister Kopač
art winners
finski jezik



Eno song/Eno pesem


In July 2002 there was the first ENO conference 2002 held in Eno in Finland./ V juliju 2002 je potekala prva Eno konferenca v kraju Eno na Finskem.

uk.gif (7420 bytes)You can visit Eno site and read all about the conference in English. Here we present just different snapshots from the conference for each day.

Snapshots 2002

We would like to express our thanks to the organisers of the conference, expecially to Mika and all the families that hosted us so warmly there. 

In one word. It was WONDERFUL!!! We experienced hospitality, their tasty food, enjoyed their beautiful nature. met many new friends that we had known before but just virtually. Now we can say we are real friends and devoted parts of the ENO family.

Thanks MIKA!!!

- About the project by Sanja

slo_zastava.gif (892 bytes) Na tej strani vam predstavljamo utrinke s prve Eno konference 2002. Urejeni so po dnevih in lahko le na hitro prikažejo, kako zanimivo in pestro je bilo dogajanje v tem finskem mestecu. 

Utrinki 2002

Poleg slikovnih utrinkov pa objavljamo tudi vtise obeh udeleženk konference iz naše šole.


- vtise zapisala  Viljenka
- vtise zapisala Sanja

© Viljenka Šavli