EDS with e2V Si(Li) detector and Thompson Scientific WINEDS 4.0

e2V Sirius Si(Li) detector and WINEDS 4.0 installed on Jeol JSM 35CF.

Technical Data

Sirius e2V Detector

Detector type: Si(Li)
Crystal area: 10 mm
Window type: SUTW, AP3.3
Preamplifier: CDXP
Amplifier: Titan 052
Detector HV bias: - 500 V
Dewar capacity: 7.5 l
LN consumption rate: Less than 1 litre per day
Resolution at MnK alpha: 133 eV

WINEDS 4.0 Microanalysis System

DX3000 detector power supply
Detector power supply with adjustable HV bias voltage, LN2 sensor support with alarm and HV bias cutoff, HV bias soft start and shutdown, 100 to 240 VAC input.

PX9000 pulse processor
X-ray Pulse Processor with 15, 30 and 60uS time constants, Active Asymmetrical Gated Baseline Restorer, Linear Gate, Pulse Pile up Rejecter, Slow and Fast discriminators.

IX4000 DBC interface
Digital Image Scanning System for acquisition for SEI and BSE images up to 2K x 2K includes Linescan, X-ray Mapping and Point Analysis capability. Image Enhancement and basic processing software included.

PCADC3 PCI card (For the EDS spectra acquisition)

WINEDS 4.0 qualitative and quantitative analysis software (ZAF, Phi-Rho-Z, bulk and thin film, metals, oxides, standardless, one standard, standard).

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