We use the following databases in our laboratory:

Key to Steels 2008
Heat Treatment Database 2008
Stahlschluessel 2007
Etchants Database v.3.0 (9,465 etchants)
Steel Transformation Diagrams v.2.0 (4,734 CCT and TTT diagrams)
Atlas of Defects on Steel Rolls, v.1.0 (Defects on cast and forged steel rolls)
Own Steel Database (15,000 records)
Own Fractography Database (Examples from industry)
Casting Defects (Most common defects in the cast products)
D.C.Joy Electron-Solid Interaction Database
Mott Scattering Cross-Sections

ICDD PDF2 2006 (186,107 reference patterns)
ICDD PDF2 2002 (69,011 reference patterns)
ICSD 2008 (105,885 reference patterns)
Mineralogy Database (4,339 minerals)
Mineral Database (Material Data, 2009)
Zeolites Database
AMCSD (American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database, 13,665 reference patterns, 2010)
COD (Crystallography Open Database, 85,070 reference patterns, 2010)
Carbides reference patterns (text version, most common carbides in the steels)

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