| exhibition | 2001-02

Franc Berneker (1874-1932)
Text auch in Deutsch




Franc Berneker

(b. 1874, Legen near Slovenj Gradec - d. 1932, Ljubljana)


Text: Špela Spanžel

Franc Berneker
(1874 - 1932)
From December 2001 at the old part of the gallery. Open till February 2002.

Curators: Špela Spanžel, Milena Zlatar



Visit also our workshop Berneker's sculpture days Stari trg at Slovenj Gradec. 20.6.-23.6.2001

You can see some of his work in our permanent collection.


Povečaj vabilo

Portrait of a Girl, undated, bronze, h 59 cm  / Portret deklice, nedatirano, bron.

Woman Bather and Girl with Lyre, undated, relief in bronze.  / Kopalka, relief v bronu, ni datirano.

Nova najdba -  Atena, Jemnice Slovaška

Nova najdba -  Atena, Jemnice Slovaška


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last update; January 20, 2005 12:30 PM
runs by saso from 2001