Computer metamorphosIs                   

About the project

Main objectives

Teachers' guide





Preparatory visit

A visit in Spain

Creating together


A visit at Escola Montcau-La Mola, Spain

In June I was at ECOLE meeting in Barcelona. So I sent a short message to Mrs Mercè Blanch Esmerats , the headmistress of our Comenius partner - Escola Montcau-La Mola, that it would be nice to meet them. Soon afterwards Mercè phoned me and we arranged the visit to Escola Montcau-La Mola. On Thursday morning she and Ester came and took me to the Matadepera, about 45 km out of Barcelona.

It was really nice to observe the landscape and the places on our way to their school. But I was even happier to see the nice and well equipped school and be in touch with some of their teachers and students there. It's hard to describe how valuable it is to see and observe school process to understand conditions the partners work in. 

Thank you again for such a nice morning and opportunity you offered me Mercè and Ester. It was unforgettable.

 Merce and Ester 

Children exercising outide

English classroom

Action song at English lesson

(Click the photos to see them bigger)
Photo and text by Viljenka Savli


Posters about partners' schools 

Posters about partners' schools

Posters about partners' schools

Posters about partners' schools

Posters about partners' schools

At the school library

Children at their kindergarten

Children at their kindergarten


© Viljenka Šavli