Since last year we have
learned a lot about team work and showed a great deal of interaction
between all classes in our school. The Apple Project was amazing and
we will do everything that we keep up the good work this
autumn our pupils from the 7th grades visited Soržev mlin where they
got familliar with the flour production. They saw different types of
wheat and how they are used. After they got back they made numerous
posters and prepared several seminars which were introduced at
school within Science lessons. They also used flour to make
different dishes and cakes.
In March the 8th graders
had technical day where they focused on bread. They baked loafs of
bread from different types of flour and they also visited the
Secondary School of Agriculture in Šentjur. Their students showed
them how they prepare dishes from flour.
Every year our pupils
take part in doing the research project. This year we made a
research on our eating habits. The result were presented to the
pupils, their teachers and parents. We have learned a lot from it.
You can find the results on this page.
Our major project in our
school is Projekt 3x3. All pupils and their teachers had a chance to
work in workshops under the title Wheat. All the photos are
displayed on the website page of our school.
In April a group from
our school went to Norway to visit Lorenskog Secondary School. Our
host was Ildred Jorem, our Norvegian coordinator. We stayed there for four
days and we got to know the pupils and teachers from Norway, visited
Oslo, worked in workshops, spend some time with our host families
and cooked authentic food. Our country was presented by a mushroom
soup, homemade salami and buckwheat flour covered with cracklings.
The other's choises of authentic food were also something we will
remember. The four pupils and two teachers went home richer with
friendships and the imagery of a distant and beautiful Norway. All
the photos were displayed on school's walls and you can also see
them on this website.
The next meeting is
going to take place in Slovenija. We are going to host our partner
schools from Norway, Romunia, France and Great Britain in October.
We will do our best to make them feel just as welcomed as we were
when we were visiting them.