Ali pozna makedonščina sklone
Ključne besede: sklanjanje, skloni, makedonščina
Slučajno sem naletel na vašo stran v kateri urejate jezikoslovni časopis, zato upam, da mi lahko pomagate. Gre za določen problem, pravzaprav za eno stavo in sicer me zanima ali se v Makedonskem jeziku uporabljajo skloni tako kot v Slovenskem jeziku (imenovalnik, rodilnik, dajalnik,...) in koliko jih je (ali imajo samo enega, kot recimo imenovalnik). Prosil bi vas da mi pomagate, če le znate.
Pravega odgovora na vaše vprašanje nimamo. Malo smo pobrskali po internetu ter na straneh in našli spodaj citirana članka o makedonskem jeziku, v katerih piše, da se samostalniki v makedonščini sklonsko ne pregibajo, se 'ne sklanjajo', oziroma da makedonščina za različne sklone nima oblikovno različnih končnic, kot jih pozna slovenščina. Na internetu lahko dobite še vrsto drugih informacij o tem in drugih jezikih.
Upamo, da ste stavo dobili.
Citirani članek iz zal ni več doegljiv
Macedonian language
Macedonian Makedonski Jazik, South Slavic language that is most closely related to Bulgarian and is written in the Cyrillic alphabet. Macedonian is the official language of the Republic of Macedonia, where it is spoken by more than 1.3 million people. The Macedonian language is also spoken in adjacent areas of Greek and Bulgarian Macedonia and in Australia, Yugoslavia, and Albania.
Macedonian, like Bulgarian, no longer declines nouns for case. There are three main dialect groups: (1) the northern dialects, similar to the neighbouring Serbian dialects, (2) the eastern dialects, similar to and gradually shading into Bulgarian, and (3) the western dialects, most distinct from Bulgarian and Serbo-Croatian and therefore chosen by the Yugoslav authorities in 1944 as the basis for the standard language.
Tudi naš drugi vir: zal ni več dostopen.
Moreover, it is very interesting. Like Bulgarian, its closest relative, Macedonian has got a definite article (due to Greek influence) placed at the end of the noun. Macedonian has got a number of features that are unique among the Slavic languages. These features include the loss of cases in nouns, adjectives and pronouns; a suffixed definite article (with three forms in Macedonian, as in the examples knigava, meaning "the book near me"; knigata, meaning "the book"; and knigana, meaning "the book over there"); and a large variety of verb tenses. The verb also has witnessed and nonwitnessed forms. Like Bulgarian and Serbian, Macedonian has a large number of borrowings from the Turkish language and a significant number from the Greek language.
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