IGLib  1.7.2
The IGLib base library EXTENDED - with other lilbraries and applications.
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Package IG.Script


class  _01LPSimple
 Solves a simple LP program using the simplex algorithm. More...
class  _02LPAttenuation
 Solves a simple LP program using the simplex algorithm. More...
class  _03NLPSimple
class  _04NLPSmoothRide
class  _18ChaoticPlot
class  _25KickedRotator
 Plots a state space portrait of the kicked rotator. More...
class  _26Plot3D
class  AppBase
 Base cls. for application scripts that can also be used on its own. More...
class  AppEmbeddedCryptoIGShell
 Embedded script class for cryptographic utilities such as calculation and verification of file hashes. Commands of this embedded script can be run from the main application. More...
class  AppExtBase
 Internal script for running embedded applications. More...
class  AppFerdo
 Internal script for running embedded applications. More...
class  AppIgorForFerdo
 Internal script for running embedded applications. More...
class  AppIgorGresovnik
 Internal script for running embedded applications. More...
class  AppIGShell
 Internal script for running embedded applications. More...
class  AppMarkoEmbeddedTest
 Test embedded script class, used to demonstrate how nested embedded scripts can be run by the main script class' interpreter. More...
class  AppMarkoPetek
 Internal script for running embedded applications. More...
class  AppMarkoPetekDerivedScript
 Tells to the interpreter, which custom classes are available. More...
class  AppMarkoPetekDerivedScriptExt
 Tells to the interpreter, which custom classes are available. More...
class  AppMarkoPetekExt
 Internal script for running EXTENDED embedded applications. More...
class  AppShellExt
 Internal script for running embedded applications. More...
class  AppTestShell
 Internal script for running embedded applications. More...
class  AppTestShellExt
 Internal script for running embedded applications. More...
class  DemoResonanceCurvePlot
 Try-it-yourself script class. More...
class  DemoResonanceCurvePlotExt
 Try-it-yourself script class. More...
class  LoadableScriptExample
 Example cls. for testing function of loadable scripts. More...
class  LoadableScriptScalarFunctionCreator
class  LoadableScriptShellNeural
 Base class for loadable scripts that are used as custom applications that inclued neural networks approximations and optimization. More...
class  LoadableScriptShellNeuralBase
 Base class for loadable scripts that are used as custom applications that inclued neural networks approximations and optimization. More...
class  LoadableScriptShellNeuralIT
 Base class for loadable scripts that are used as custom applications that inclued neural networks approximations and optimization. More...
class  LoadableScriptShellNeuralITOriginalBase
 Base class for loadable scripts that are used as custom applications that inclued neural networks approximations and optimization. More...
class  LoadableScriptSpecialFunctionBase
 Base cls. for various special function loadable scripts. More...
class  NeuralTestScript
class  S_11_10_clanek_neural_00
class  S_11_10_Clanek_Neural_Base
class  S_12_01_Paper_NeuralOptCasting_00
class  S_12_01_Paper_NeuralOptCasting_IJS_00
class  S_12_02_paper_neural_process_chain_model
class  S_12_03_paper_gk
class  S_12_09_jmatpro
 Script class for running JMatPro calculations and manipulating results. More...
class  S_13_5_Convection
class  S_13_7_ConvectionRev1
class  S_TestExt1
class  S_TestExt2
class  S_TestExt3
class  S_TestOpt1
class  S_TestOpt2
class  S_TestOpt3
class  Scrip_OdeChem
 Script for testing systems of ordinary differential equations and chemical reactions. More...
class  Script_11_10_clanek_neural_01
class  Script_Examples
class  Script_Misc
class  Script_Numeric
class  Script_Optimization
class  ScriptAppBase
 Partial class definition containing tests of CSV utilities. More...
class  ScriptExtExamples
class  ScriptExtFormats
class  ScriptExtGraphics3d
 Script class with graphics examples. More...
class  ScriptExtNumeric
class  ScriptExtTemplate
 A template script for running tests. More...
class  ScriptGraphics2dBase
 Base class for script classes with 2D graphics examples. More...
class  ScriptGraphics3DBase
 Base class for script classes with graphics examples. More...
class  ScriptOptTemplate
 A template script for running tests. More...
class  ScriptOptTemplateExt
 A template script for running tests. More...
class  ScriptShellNeuralWithSimulatorManagers
 Neural script class with added simulatior managers. More...
class  ScritpRealFunctionExample
 Example script for definition of a new real function class. More...
class  ScritpScalarFunctionExample
 Example script for definition of a new real function class. More...
class  ShellIGLib
 Shell application to be installed in script application of the current program. More...
class  ShellMarkoPetek
 Shell application to be installed in script application. More...
class  TestClass1
class  TestIglibExt_ToDelete
 Base class for script classes with graphics examples. More...