IGLib  1.7.2
The IGLib base library EXTENDED - with other lilbraries and applications.
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Package IG.Neural


package  Applications
package  Forms
package  FormsOld
package  Properties


class  AnalysisFileServerNeural
 Class containing direct analysis (in optimization) based on neural network optimization. More...
class  AnalysisFileServerNeuralExtBase
 Analysis server based on neural approximations for IJS, for Robert's data. More...
class  ApproximationFileServerNeural
 Class for approximation file server. More...
class  DataMapperIdentity
class  DataMapperSimple
class  Func2dFromApproximator
 Approximator function of 2 variables that is based on a general approximator function of vector argument. More...
interface  IDataMapper
interface  INeuralApproximatorContainer
 Classes that contain neural approximator. More...
interface  INeuralModelContainer
 Interface for classes that contain the NeuralModel property that implements the INeuralModel interface. More...
class  InputMappingDefinitionElement
 Input data element mapping definition for neural networks. More...
class  MapDataDefinitionDto
class  MapImputElementDefinitionDto
 DTO (data transfer object) for neural data input element mapping definition. More...
class  MapNeuralImputOutputElementDefinitionDto< ElementType >
 DTO (data transfer object) for neural data element mapping definition. More...
class  MapOutputElementDefinitionDto
 DTO (data transfer object) for neural data output element mapping definition. More...
class  MappingApproximationFileManager
 File manager for mapping file client and server. More...
class  MappingApproximationFileServerNeural
 Class for mapping file server. More...
class  MappingDefinition
 Definition of input and output data mapping. Contains Mapped and Original Index, descriptiove information about individual eleemnts of input and output and default valuess. More...
class  MappingDefinitionElement
 Base class for input or output data element mapping definition. More...
class  NeuraApproximationFileManager
 File manager for neural network approximation file client and server. More...
class  NeuralAllpicationCommands
 Commands for application's interpreter for neural networks. More...
class  NeuralAllpicationCommandsNeuronDotNet
 Commands for application's interpreter for neural networks. More...
class  NeuralApplicationCommandsTadej
 Commands for application's interpreter for neural networks. More...
class  NeuralApproximatorAforge
 Approximator of response by using neural networks, based on the AforgeDotNet library. $A Igor Mar11; More...
class  NeuralApproximatorAForgeDto
 A data transfer object (DTO) for the NeuralApproximatorAforge class. $A Igor Mar11; More...
class  NeuralApproximatorBaseExt
 Base class for neural network approximators. More...
class  NeuralApproximatorDtoBaseExt
 A data transfer object (DTO) for neural approximation classes that implement the INeuralApproximator interface. More...
class  NeuralApproximatorNeuron
 Approximator of response by using neural networks, based on the NeuronDotNet library. $A Igor Mar11 Jul11; Tako78 Jul11; More...
class  NeuralFileConst
 Constants used in definition of neural networks approximation servers and clients working through file system. More...
class  NeuralModelContainerFormsBase
 Utility class for model container on forms. More...
class  NeuralNetworks
class  NeuralParametricDemoOldAboutWindow
class  NeuralTadej
class  NeuralTrainingResultsPlotter
 Plotter class for neural training results. More...
class  NeuralTrainingResultsPlotter1
class  NeuralTrainingTablePlotter
 Plotter class for neural training results. More...
class  OutputMappingDefinitionElement
 Output data element mapping definition for neural networks. More...
class  TestFunctions