About the Speleological
Association Dimnice
Curiosities from Cave Cadastre Cave Dimnice - devil˙s smoke house Pothole Jama pred Kotlom - Description and plan by S. Sancin Speleological Expedition to the sultanate of Oman
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Speleological Association DIMNICE Jamarsko
društvo DIMNICE - Associazione speleologica SI - Koper 6001, p.o.box. 74, tel./fax.: 00386-66-526036 tel.: 00386-66-265184, GSM: 00386-41-693014 DAVČNA ŠTEVILKA 11215682; MATIČNA ŠTEVILKA 5228379; ŠIFRA DEJAVNOSTI 120420 Registr. UE Koper, Odd. notr. zadeve: 026-56/97 z dne 10.6.1997; Ž.R. APP Koper: 51400 -678-87762 INFORMATIONS: