4. K L E M E N Č I Č E V I * D N E V I

OD 19. DO 21 MAJA 1999


    Postavljeno: 18.05.99

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ZGM Jesenice








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Gradsko kazalište lutaka Rijeka je najmlajše (ustanovljeno 1960) hrvaško profesionalno lutkovno gledališče; nekaj časa znano kot gledališče Domino. V prvem obdobju orientirano pretežno na domač repertoar, postane kasneje prepoznavno po uprizoritvah literarnih del, ki jih nobeno drugo hrvaško gledališče ni uprizorilo.S prihodom Berislava Brajkovića iz Zagreba 1963 se prične eno od najpomembnejših obdobij tega gledališča, s katerim so povezani nepretrgana težnja po inovaciji, profesionalizaciji in prvi večji uspehi gledališča.Poseben pečat gledališču je dal tudi Želimir Prljić v drugi polovici sedemdesetih. Po njegovem odhodu je gledališče ostalo brez hišnega režiserja, njegov repertoar pa je nekaj časa izhajal iz gostovanj tujih režiserjev, med katerimi gre omeniti tudi delež Edija Majarona.

Slike z razstave ob glasbi M.P. Musorgskega /Slike z razstave/ v izvedbi Ive Pogorelića je uprizoritev oživljenih slik, ki v zanimivi likovni govorici oblik in barv predstavlja motive ukrajinskih pripovedk, kot jih je obdelal N.V. Gogolj; v svetu prividov obnavljajo staro faustovsko temo, se sestavljajo in razstavljajo v celoto kot neokonstruktivistične forme in kot nasprotje mračne manipulacije vznikajo iz beline, iz katere izhajajo vse barve ko oživljajo čudoviti svet slik.


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The Visiting Theatres from Abroad

The Rijeka Puppet Theatre is the youngest (established in 1960) Croatian puppet theatre, known for some time as the Domino theatre. In their early years they mainly orientated towards a repertoire of domestic plays, the theatre later became recognizable by performing literary works which were not performed by any other Croatian theatre. Upon the arrival of Boris Brajkovic from Zagreb in 1963 one of the most important periods of this theatre began. It strove for innovation, professionalism, which led to the theatre’s first great successes. A special mark to this theatre was also given by Zelimir Prljic in the second half of the seventies. After his departure the theatre remained without a house director, while their repertoire for some time consisted of plays directed by visiting directors, among which the participation of Edi Majaron must be mentioned.


Slike z razstave (Paintings from the Exhibition), accompanied by the music of M. P. Mussgorsky, performed by Ivo Pogorelic is a production of revitalized pictures which in an interesting artistic expression of forms and colours presents the motifs of Ukrainian tales as adapted by N. V. Gogoly.

In the world of apparitions they revive the old Faustian theme, are constructed and deconstructed into a whole as a neoconstructivist forms, and as a contradiction to the macabre manipulation arise from the whiteness, out of which all colours arise when giving life to the wonderful world of paintings.