Model building/editing

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Edit toolbar

Click on the menu Edit for view toolbar display

Edit toolbar

There is no edit menu.


New model

The button to start a new model. A model of methane appears.

new model

Undo and redo

Two buttons for undo and redo changes. Currently 10 steps can be undone/redone.



Atom type

Buttons to select atom type (C - carbon, H - hydrogen, N - nitrogen, O - oxygen, Cl - chlorine, X - show more atom types). Next step is click on the atom on the model.


Click on button X to show more atom types to select from (Br - bromine, F - flourine, I - iodine, S - sulphur, P - phosphorus).

more atoms

Atom mode

List to select atom mode. Next step is appropriate atom action on the model (click on an atom or drag of an atom).

atom modes

Modes with available model actions:


Bond type

Buttons to select bond type. Next step is click on the bond on the model.


Bond mode

List to select bond mode. Next step is appropriate bond action on the model (click on a bond or or drag between two atoms).

bond modes

Modes with appropriate model actions:


Button for centering the model.

Button for geometry optimization of the model.

Button for saving model display as image.
