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Example 1: Butanoic acid (create)

Interactions: new model, adding atoms, changing bond type, geometry optimization, centering
  1. Create a new model
  2. Add three C atoms to create a chain of four C atoms
  3. Add two O atoms to the first C atom in the chain
  4. Change one of the single C-O bonds into a double bond
  5. Center the model
  6. Optimize the model's geometry

Tutorial video below contains similar interactions.

Example 2: Hexane (edit)

Starting model: hexane




Interactions: deleting bonds, changing bond type, deleting atoms, adding H atoms, geometry optimization

  1. Delete the second C-C bond
  2. Change the first C-C bond into double bond
  3. Delete one H atom in the first structure
  4. Add one H atom in the second structure
  5. Optimize geometry of both structures

Tutorial video below contains similar interactions.

Example 3: fructose (edit)

Starting model: d-(-)-fructose




Interactions: creating bonds, changing bond type, rotating around bond, geometry optimization, centering

  1. Connect O (connected with double bond) with the second C atom from the left
  2. Change double bond into single bond
  3. Optimize model geometry
  4. Rotate a branch around first C-C bond
  5. Optimize model geometry
  6. Center model

Tutorial video below contains similar interactions.