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krog_gb.gif - 680 Bytes Master of Arts, Historic Preservation Planning, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY (May 2ooo). Architectural Historian, Technical Preservation Services, National Park Services, Washington, DC. Wrote several publications on historic preservation, reports that discuss the history and preservation issues of specific buildings, presented lectures for conferencies and meetingss on a range of architectural topics. Conducted conservation work in poland, Finland, Slovakia and Great Britain.
krog_si.gif - 2517 Bytes Magister umetnosti, planiranja, varovanja kulture na Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, maj 2ooo. Zgodovinar arhitekture na zavodu za tehnično varovanje, National Park Service, Washington DC. Napisal osem publikacij za National Park Services in za vlado USA, nekaj poročil o zaščiti zgodovinsko pomembnih zgradbah. Predaval je na nekaj konferencah, vodil dela konzervacije na Poljskem, Finskem, Slovaškem in v Veliki Britaniji.

pismo.gif - 131 Bytes Heritage Preservation Services
Dep. of Interior
1849 C Street, NW (NC-2oo)
afna.gif - 144 Bytes chad-randl@nps.gov
www.gif - 284 Bytes

11th conference
Slovenscina Vernakularne počitniške hišice: študija stešne konstrukcije v Združenih državah 1950 do 1970
English Vernacular Vacation Homes: A Study of A-frames in the United States, 1950-1970

updated: October 2001