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krog_gb.gif - 680 Bytes Theoretical physicist, born 1955 in Zagreb, Croatia. 1978 BA degree in physics, 1997 doctor's degree in theoretical solid state physics, both at the University of Zagreb.
Works as a research associate at the Institute of Physics, Zagreb. Main interests: theoretical solid state physics, traditional dry stone architecture.
krog_si.gif - 2517 Bytes Doktor znanosti, teorijski fizik. Rojen 1955 v Zagrebu. 1978 diplomiral iz fizike, 1997 doktoriral iz teorijske fizike trdne snovi, oboje na Univerzi v Zagrebu.
Znanstveni sodelavec na Institutu za fiziko v Zagrebu. Znanstveni interesi: fizika trdne snovi, tradicionalna arhitektura suhega zidu.

pismo.gif - 131 Bytes Institut za fiziku
Bijenička 46
10001 ZAGREB
afna.gif - 144 Bytes horvatic@ifs.hr
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11th conference
Slovenscina Vodopropusno (!) nepravo svođenje - pastirske cisterne (bunari) sela Draga Bašćanska na otoku Krku na Sjevernom Jadranu
English Water-permeable (!) Corbelling - the Shepherds’ Cisterns (bunari) of the Village of Draga Bašćanska on the Island of Krk in the Northern Adriatic / complete paper
10th conference
Slovenscina Mrgari - suhozidne ovčare u obliku cvijeta na otoku Krku na sjevernom Jadranu Show
English Mrgari - Flower-shaped Dry Stone Sheepfolds on the Island of Krk in the Northern Adriatic Show
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Slovenscina Nepravo svođena suhozidna skloništa (komarda/hramac) na otoku Krku Show
English Corbelled dry stone shelters (komarda/hramac) on the island of Krk Show

updated: October 2001