OBITUARY This year the Conference has lost one of its strongest supporters. On the 6th July, 2001 Enrico DEGANO passed away unexpectedly and his loss is felt by all his colleagues and students. After graduating in Architecture, he worked at the Polytechnic of Bari at the "Dipartimento di Disegno Tecnico, Industriale e della Rappresentazione" and he has dedicated much of his scientific interests to the research on Dry-Stone Architecture, giving a remarkable contribution to the survey of the "Trulli" in Apulia. The results of which have been published in the book: STORIA E DESTINO DEI TRULLI DI ALBEROBELLO, Prontuario per il restauro ed. Schena, Fasano (Br), 1997. He has been the Italian representative for the Centre Meditaraneen de l1environment de l'APARE', Avignon. Archaeology has been another subject to which he has addressed his interests, participating in numerous excavations in Apulia and giving lectures to postgraduate students of archaeology at the University of Bari. Within this subject, together with a group of researches at the Polytechnic of Bari, Enrico carried out survey work of medieval buildings in the Province of Bari. He was very active in all academic events and had an excellent relationship with his students. We wish to remember Enrico at this time for his contribution in bringing to us a wider knowledge of the Apulian regional heritage as well as for his enthusiasm, which was present in whatever he undertook. He will be dearly missed. Carlo Zaccaria |
6. Julija 2001 je Konferenca o vernakularni arhitekturi izgubila Enrica Degana, ki je nepričakovano preminil. Pogrešali ga bomo tako kolegi kot študentje.
Po diplomi iz arhitekture je Enrico deloval na Politehniki iz Barija (Italija) na oddelku "Dipartimento di Disegno Tecnico, Industriale e della Rappresentazione", kjer je svoj trud vlagal predvsem v raziskave objektov iz suhega zida v Apuliji, s poudarkom na Trullih. Rezultate dela je objavil v knjigi: STORIA E DESTINO DEI TRULLI DI ALBEROBELLO, Prontuario per il restauro ed. Schena, Fasano (Br), 1997. Bil je predstavnik Italije v Centre Meditaraneen de l1environment de l'APARE', Avignon. Sodeloval je na številnih izkopavanjih v Apuliji, predaval arheologijo na podiplomskem študiju na Univerzi iz Barija. S skupino raziskovacev barijske Politehnike je raziskoval srednjeveške zgradbe v okolici Barija. Bil je aktiven na akademskem področju in se zelo dobro razumel s študenti. Enrica si bomo zapomnili po njegovem prispevku k poznavanju in razumevanju kulturne dediščine v Apuliji ter po entuziazmu, ki ga je spremljal na vseh področjih njegovega udejstvovanja. Pogrešali ga bomo. Carlo Zaccaria |