ms Nada Duič Kowalsky, Zagreb
The medieval type dwelling structures in the settlements of the region of the Dubrovnik Republic were being raised within the 13th and 14th centuries. The beginnings of such building activities were the regulations of 1296, when the dimensions of dwelling houses are mentioned in the space North of Prijeko Street in the newly regulated Northern part of Dubrovnik. Type strutures were raised not only in the new, planned parts of the City, but they accompanied all the new pushings of streeets into the older parts of Dubrovnik.
The type dwelling structure or house from this period was raised in series, one beside the other along public communication routes. The groundplan is of small dimensions, circa 6x6 m. Both height and volume are well-nigh in all examples of a group, likewise the organization of internal space, furthermore the composition of the elevation as well as the details of the architectonic pattern.
The majority of settlements within the teritory of the Dubrovnik Republic were of a given type. This is particularly true of the planned settlements such as Ston, Mali Ston, some rural communication routes on Pelješac, as well as the military settlement of Broce, Tumba, Česvinica and Potomje.
All the preseved examples demonstrate the high value of settlement planning throughout the Republic of Dubrovnik.