
workshop 1

workshop 2

workshop 3



























iPads to enhance learning


Every new technological advancement brings revolution in our day life and consequently also in education.  We’ll try to reveal some of the reasons why tablets are just one of the steps toward the classrooms of the future.

iPad inspires creativity and hands-on learning with features on a device that students really want to use. Powerful apps let students engage with content in interactive ways, find information in an instant, and access an entire library wherever and wherever. iPad apps, from interactive lessons to study aids to productivity tools, are expanding the learning experience both inside and outside the classroom. With so many educational apps at your fingertips there’s no limit to the learning possibilities.

You'll also learn about possibilities how to master the challenges that we encounter when using tablets (from synchronised use of device, student-centred approach, self-assessment to cooperation). After the workshop, you may just be equipped enough with ideas to decide for yourself whether a mobile device is worth enough to represent the future of your classroom learning or not. So join and see what today's teachers and students can be doing with one of the latest and greatest tech devices and its apps to enhance learning.

The aims of the workshop are to learn how to:

  • synchronise the use of m-devices in the classroom

  • use the app Epic Citadel, Pottery for learning purposes

  • mind-map the ideas

  • share ideas on an online web canvas

  • evaluate the learning process