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School system in Sweden

The Swedish School System

You start preschool the year you turn 6. Often you have got the same teacher in 1:st, 2.nd and 3:rd class. Then you get a new teacher, which you mostly have in 4:th, 5:th and 6:th class. In 7th, 8th and 9th class you have very many different teachers.

You go to school Monday – Friday. You mostly have P.E. from the year you start preschool. Most children have 2 P.E. lessons a week. In the morning most schools start between 8.10 or 8.30.Your finish between 14.00-15.00.

You get free lunch. You always have lunch – recess (50 min), a morning recess and some small recesses between 10-15 min.  Every school has a playground.

We have “summer holiday”, and it is about 9-10 weeks. We have a week holiday in the autumn and “sports holiday” in February. We also have “Christmas-holiday” and “Easter-holiday”. We even have some small holidays in between.

You have homework 4 days a week. You get notes for the first time in 8:th class. We don’t need notes before, because we work very well without them. We still have tests in the different subjects.

The Swedish school is pretty good!

Written by a couple of Swedish students.