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Potica / Walnut-Cake

We need:
60 dag warmed, fine-grain dry wheat flour
6 dag fresh yeast
2.5--3 dl warm milk
10 dag softened butter
3 egg yolks
10 dag sugar
2 Tbsp dark rum
grated peel of 1 lemon
pinch of salt


1. Sift the flour and put it in a warm place.
2. First prepare the leaven: put the crumbled leaven, 2-3 tablespoons of flour, one table spoone of sugar, a bit of milk in a bowl and mix it till it is a compact mashey mixture. Put it in a warm place to rise.
3. Add the whiped milk, the yolks, the sugar, the salt, the butter, the rum and chopped orange or lemon peel.
4. Make the pastry and cover it with a warm cloth and put it in a warm place to rise
5. Roll out the risen pastry and spread on the optional stuffing. Roll up the pastry and put it in a greased model for Potica. Put that model in the oven.
6. Bake it for an hour.


1/4 kg sugar
2 dl water
40-60 dkg nut kernels
8 dkg butter
1dl warm milk
2-3 yolks
1 teaspoon rum and 2-3 tablespoons cream


Pour the water over the sugar and boil it.
Add the ground nut kernels and other ingredients.
Spread the nut stuffing over the pastry and roll it up.

Cultural background

Potica is a Slovene national meal. We find that delicious dessert also in Istria and Croatia. We always bake Potica on Christmas and Easter day.

Taken from the internet by Slovene students