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Letter 5 - My diary

  Hallo Dani,

Thank you for your last letter! It was very interesting. Are you good at kayaking? In our river you can go both go kayaking and canoeing. In this letter I will tell you about two days and I hope you will enjoy this two days, Friday and Sunday.

My diary, Friday March 7, 2003

7.30 I get up. I was wary tired. I had not slept well. It's was snow out side, again!
7.45 I eat breakfast. I don’t like breakfast. I just eat a toast with ham and strawberry-jam.
8.00 Dad gave me a ride to school, because it's so cold out side.
8.30 I have German. We read a text about a postoffice. We had a test, I think I had everything right.
9.30 Eva read a book, it's very exciting.
10.00 Recess. To bad! We may not throw snowballs! So Axel and I just talked.
10.30 We work with our English diary. It will be great fun to read the Slovenian diary.
11.00 We are doing Maths. We have started a new chapter. It's about fractions. Think it's great fun.
11.30 Swedish. We are writing an essay.
12.00 We eat lunch. It was nice
12.30 We hade woodcraft. We are making a tray.
14.15 The school day was over. Mum gave me a ride home.
14.30 I was eating a sandwich. It was nice.
15.00 I play computer game.
20.00 We eat dinner. It was really nice.
21.00 I watched a movie.
23.30 I went to bed.

Sunday, March 9, 2003

8.30 I get up. I had slept very well.
8.35 I, my brother and mum sang for dad, because it was his birthday.
8.50 I played a computer game.
9.30 I eat breakfast. I don't eat much on Sundays, only a sandwich.
10.00 I play computer again.
11.00 Grandma and grandpa came to celebrate dad's birthday.
11.30 We talk.
12.00 We eat lunch. It was really nice.
12.30 We played cards. I finished second.
13.00 I watched a move. It was fun.
14.00 The guests leave and I go down to the computer.
15.00 We have lemonade and cake.
15.30 I do some homework.
16.30 I watch TV.
17.00 I help mum in the kitchen.
17.30 I read a book. It's about a guy called Bert.
18.30 We eat dinner and watch TV.
19.30 I do homework again.
20.00 I play computer again.
21.00 I go to bed. GOOD NIGHT!

Bye bye, Niklas!



Hi, Niklas,

Thank you for your last letter! It was very interesting to read how you spent your two days. I'm not good at kayaking, but I did it a few times, but my fried Filip is one of the good kayakers. We can also go both kayaking and canoeing in the river Soca. In this letter I will tell you about two days and I hope you will enjoy them as I did yours, Thursday and Saturday.
Do you ski?

My diary, Thursday March 6, 2003

6.00 I always get up very early. I wasn’t tired because I slept well. It’s a good weather outside, much warmer than last week. I miss my mum because she is in Rome.
6.15 I have breakfast. I like choco flakes for breakfast. Than I dress up
and prepare my bag.
7.00 I went on foot to school, it took me just 10 minutes.
7.30 I met my friends and we talked about handball match. I took of my
shoes and put on slippers.
8.00 The school started with Physics. We talked about energy. It’s
quite difficult.
8.45 Slovene lesson. We talked about natural phenomena- how they
happened, what are they like.
9.35 Break. We had a snack. And we talked about English lesson.
9.50 We are doing English. We have started a new lesson. It’s about
future and a flyingcar.
10.35 Break. We have this for relaxing. We went outside because the
weather was nice and sunny.
10.50 We went to the craft classroom, where we are doing a
weathercock from copper.
11.40 We had Biology. We discuss human body. I like it because our
teacher is very nice.
12.30 Finally PE. We played football. Girls and boys have different
lessons. I like PE very much.
13.20 We had a meeting with our class teacher but I wasn’t there
because we had a handball match with a club from Ljubljana. Hurray!!! We won. I scored two goals. The match ended at about five o’clock.
17.00 I came home, went shopping-bread milk for my family, I did my
homework and I played Elma computer game. I think it’s Finish.
19.00 We had dinner. I ate pancakes which I like and I helped my mother prepare them.
20.00 I visited my friend because he was ill.
21.30 I watched my favourite TV programme Friends. They are so
22.30 I went to bed.

Saturday, March 8, 2003

5.30 I got up together with my dad and brother. We prepared everything for skiing.
6.35 We went off to Italy, Zoncolan, a nice skiresort an hour and half away from my home. I enjoyed my brother’s company because he is mostly away from home, he is a student. He is very funny.
8.00 We arrived at the resort put on our skis, my dad bought tickets
and we started skiing. It was a nice sunny day and not too many people. I skied mostly with Andraz, we jumped, tried downhill, I am not a very good skier but I improved my skiing.
13.30 I had lunch and relaxed for half and hour
14.00 We started skiing again, up down up and down. It was super.
16.20 We were the last to leave the skifields. I was really very tired.
We went back home. Andraz told us about his studies and we told each other jokes.
18.00 We arrived home. Put all ski equipment off and prepared dinner.
19.00 We played a computer game.

21.30 We watched TV It was an interesting film but I fell asleep.

Bye bye, Dani!