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Letter 3 - Christmas and New Yera

Hello Tanja!

Thank you for your letter! ...

... The Christmas starts with advent. Advent is when you lit some candles. The first Advent we lit one candle. The second time we lit two candles. The third time we lit tree candles. The fourth time we lit four candles, and then it is very near Christmas. You always lit the candles on Sundays, and the days are marked in the calender. In the window you have an electric candle stick, with seven lights, often is it red or white. This year I have a red. On TV they show the "Christmas calender" every day. It starts December 1 and the last episod is on Christmas- eve. You can buy a special calender in some shops, that is for the calender on TV. You open one "door" a day. I've a presentcalender, there you got apresent every day.

Some days before Christmas-eve we take in theChristmas-tree and decorate it. We hang up decorations and tinsel, electric lights and another fine Christmas things. I`ve got tree of my own, and my brother also have one. In the livingroom we have a tree that is bigger than ours. 20 days after Christmas we take away all the decotations and trow out the Christmas-trees. On the Christmas morning is there a sock with presents in , that hang on your bed. Christmas-eve we go down to my mothers parents, beuause it is always there we celebrate Christmas. A lot of relatives are there. At 3 o` clock are Donald Duck on TV. It is just I and my brother, that watch it. That is atradition, because it is every year on TV. The programleader is always the same: Arne Waise. Later we eat food. If we (me and my brother)

have it up, and have nothing to do, we are take out the Christmaspresents and put them under the tree. Much, much later Santa Claus is coming and give out the presents. When we have unpacked we eat candy or do things with our presents. Now I will like to tell you about New-Year. Every second year we are at some people we now.Their names are Fam. Laxmars. Every second year we are home at our place. This year we are going to be home at our place. We eat food, watch TV and do other things. Soon before 12 o`clock, we take out the fireworks. Then we fire them of when it is very near 12 o`clock. The seconds before 12, we count down. When the clock has stuck 12 o`clock we wish eachother a Happy Hew Year. The adults drink champange. If you want you can promise something you would like to do during the year. 

Who is your best friend in the class? Did you have any pets?


from Karin!