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Prekmurje Gibanica Pie

We need:
Ingredients :

the flan pastry for base:
250g flour, 80g butter,
1 egg,
2-3 tablespoons cream, a pinch salt,
1 tablespoon sugar
the filo pastry for layers :
400g flour,
1 egg,
2 tablespoons of oil,
a dash of vinegar or lemon juice,
a little lukewarm water,
a pinch salt
the poppy seed filling :
200g poppy seeds ground,
50g sugar,
1 vanilla sugar,
100ml milk or cream,
1 egg
the cottage cheese filling :
400g cottage cheese,
1 egg, 100ml sour cream,
50g raisins,
50g sugar
the walnut filling :
200g ground walnuts,
50g sugar,
1 sachet vanilla sugar,
little cinnamon,
100-200ml milk
the apple filling :
500g apples,
30g sugar,
lemon peel,
little cinnamon,
fat for greasing the baking tin,
a little butter,
cream for topping

Instructions :

Prekmurje gibanica is made of two types of pastry : flan and filo. The flan pastry is a cover put to the bottom of the deep baking dish or tin.
Poppy seed filling : Grind the seeds, scald with boiling milk, add the sugar, the spices and the vanilla sugar and then mix. Cottage
Cheese filling : Break up the cottage cheese with a fork, add the egg, the cream, the washed rasins and the sugar. Mix thoroughly.
Walnut filling : Grind the walnuts and scald with milk, add the sugar, the vanilla sugar and the cinnamon and then mix. Filling must be a smooth paste.
Apple filling : Peel the apples, cut them into thin slices, then stew with some sugar. Add the cinnamon and grated lemon peel. Roll out the more brittle flan pastry dough to half a cm thickness, and use it line a greased baking dish, preferably anearthen one. The dough must stretch our the edge of the dish. Sprinkle some flour over a cloth and stretch the filo pastry dough very thinly over it and dry a little.

Now you can start making the gibanica. Spread one cm thick layer of the poppy seed filling on the flan pastry, cover it with a sheet of filo pastry, and again spinkle with some melted butter. Spread the cottage cheese filling over the filo pastry and cover with another piece of filo pastry, and sprinkle with the melted butter again. Spread the walnut filling over this leaf, cover with another leaf of filo pastry and sprinkle with more butter.

Repeat the whole process again. Cover the final layer of the filling with one or two leaves of filo pastry and sprinkle with butter. Finally spread some cream over the gibanica and bake in a moderate preheated oven for approximately 1 hour.

Background :

Prekmurje gibanica pie is the favourite desert in Prekmurje ( Slovenia ). People prepare it at larger feast days.

Taken from the internet by Slovene students