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Roast Duck

We need:
Ingredients :
1 young, not too greasy duck ( approximately 2 kg )
green parsley or marjoram


Clean the duck carefully, remove all the hard tubes from the skin, pluck it with your fingers and with a knife. Open the duck , remove the guts and the gall, remove the fat parts from the legs. Wash the duck inside and outside. Cut off the wings and the neck .Lard its chest with some smoked bacon. Rub it with salt and put it into a baking tin. Put some twigs of green parsley or marjoram into the duck. Put it into the oven, often pour water on it, for the start stew it and then roast it nice and crunchy. Add some water, so the grease wouldn't burn. Roast it for approximately 1 to 2 hours. The duck can be served with the red wine.


We make the roast duck for St. Martin. This holiday is in November. At that time must becomes wine and we make big celebrations where we drink only young wine and we eat roast duck.

Taken from the internet by Slovene students