Flat Stanly project


Picture- Flat Stanly


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We've got an e-mail from Canada with the proposal for a project and a request for some information about our country.

(Click on the image to view it bigger)

Flat Stanley is a great project that children absolutelly love. You may visit this website for more information Flat Stanly
It all started by an author of childrens books, who has written numerous Flat Stanley's adventure books.  It's about a boy who gets flat (school blackboard fell on him) and because of this,  he experiences many adventures - including being sent via mail to various places around the world (because he is flat - he can fit into an envelope). :-)

Canadian map:

                                            Canadian flag

They sent us a picture of their class:

Here is their letter:

Hello Our Friend,

In our school, Regent Heights Junior Public School, Toronto, Canada, my Grade 2 class enjoyed a book called Flat Stanley that our teacher read to us. The story is about a boy whose bulletin board flattens him one night while he is sleeping. At first he is sad, but then he finds all sorts of things that he is able to do when he is flat. One thing he can do is fold himself up in an envelope and mail himself to visit friends in faraway places.

After we finished the story, we made our own Stanleys. We are mailing them to friends so that we can learn about different places, landmarks, weather, and people. We decided to mail our Stanley to you and hope you will let him visit for about a week. We know you will show him a good time.


After your visit with Stanley, please mail (via air-mail or e-mail) him back to us and write us about his visit. You may use the attached page. Maybe you could take his picture next to a local landmark or send him back with a postcard or souvenir of your local area. We will share Stanley's adventures with our school friends.

Thank you for helping us make this a fun learning experience for our entire class. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Grade 2 Class (Ms. Balusek)
555 Pharmacy Avenue
, Ontario
M1L 3H1


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