Computer metamorphosIs 
- Europe, let's create Together 

How to participate

About the author

Submitted schools




Creating together in Europe - open days

How to participate:

Submission: e-mail Viljenka Savli  a short note with your school information given below - deadline May 30, 2003. 
Name of the school:
School address:
e-mail of the contact teacher:

(Before sending the artworks -download the submission form here: SUBMISSION FORM.)

When you have all the artworks selected download the submission form here: SUBMISSION FORM. But please, attach it to your e-mail, don't copy it into the e-mail and all the three artworks should be attached as separate files. Thank you.

Number of artworks per school: Each participating school is expected to submit up to three artworks per school.

Activities: Students can choose one of the posters below and try to paint it their own way by using computer graphic programs (Paintbrush, Painter, CorelDraw or others)

Participation: When you submit your artworks (to Viljenka Savli) we kindly ask you to use one of the following two formats:
a) GIF Format or
b)JPG Format
The size of the artworks shouldn't be bigger than 400X500 pixl or 500X400.
When sending the materials, please, fill in the special form for students and their artworks. Send separately as attachments the info about students as -rtf document and the students artworks as .jpeg or.gif. The name of the artworks should consist of studentsname_nameoftheposter_country (example: viljenka_confetti_slovenia).

Name and surname:
Title of the artwork: (example: viljenka_confetti_slovenia)
Tool used:
Teacher's name:

Duration of the project: May 30 - October 30

Age group: 8 - 18 - that is three categories 8-11, 12-15, 16-18

Project language(s): any language

All the artworks will be published in our electronic gallery.

Here are the artwoks of Henri de Toulouse - Lautrec (1864-1901) - three posters

Confetti Englishman in Moulin Rouge May Milton

Project prepared by 
Viljeka Šavli, artworks chosen by
Metka Miljavec
Solkan Primary School
, Slovenia

April, 2003

© Viljenka Šavli