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my favorite toys, gamesToys, toys everywhere!
About the project

Project objectives

   -halloween lesson

Teachers' articles

Schools involved
  - Japan-SLO
  - Slovenia


ani_pumpkin.gif (6128 bytes)    About Halloween in Japan


I saw your picture of your class. I could not see it some how when you sent it to me, but today
I was able to. I must say that your kids are adorable. I guess that I have to take photos of all of us.
Sorry that I have been rushing because of our Halloween party with our association. Your pictures will be our decorations, too. 108 kids will be there and it will be a big event!
You will see them in our video letter. Please wait for our box arriving. I heard that the world has postal problems because of terrorism. I do hope it will reach you as soon as possible.

Here are some snapshots of my students. Momoyo

Kids' English Club - Fukue Central Community Center Fukue - Goto islands

Moderator Viljenka Šavli, Solkan primary School, Slovenia

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© Viljenka Šavli