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Here we present a small but cute international project called JAP/SLO.

The project plan - details

The objectives

1. talk about and prepare the Halloween day
2. prepare a day dedicated to the partner's country (Christmas time)


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The children learn about each other: age, place, school, interests, hobbies and they:

  • talk about their favourite toys draw them and send their favourite toys
  • take pictures of their favourite toys, videotape how they play with them
  • make their own toys out of different materials
  • use computers (Paintbrush, Paint it etc.) and draw ghosts, their toys,
  • prepare exhibitions of their work in their school and exchange them with the partner school
  • collect recipies from the partner's country, try to prepare some food that way
  • present how we celebrate hollidays (Halloween, Christmas,...) through drawings and songs
  • send each other falk songs and listen to them...
  • publish their work on the web

The project will be carried out not only through e-mail but also through a regular mail. We  plan and decide what topic you will cover first together. We make a proposal for the timetable.

Viljenka Šavli and Momoyo Araki


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