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About the project

Project objectives

   -halloween lesson

Teachers' articles

Schools involved
  - Japan-SLO
  - Slovenia


ani_pumpkin.gif (6128 bytes)    Our ghosts in Japan

About the ghost pictures, I could not scan all of them properly. I will try to send the rest soon. We had our class last Saturday at our community center. I found when I talked about your class to them, their faces lit up! They asked why Slovenian ghost has a big knife in his hand. And why he hides in the closet? ( They think the ghost just stand there not hide themselves.)
In their pictures, you see an umbrella ghost. This is very typical ghost in Japan. Also you see a girl ghost. She is Hanako. She is said to have died in a toilet during the war according to our kids.

We also talked about the scarest spot in school.

NO.1(I mean the scarest) Toilet. Reasons
1.The third toilet from the entrance of the restroom is said to be the place the ghost
2. 'Hanako'(The girl ghost) is always looking from the ceiling.

NO.2 Music Room. Reasons:
1. There are some famous composers' pictures decorated on the wall. And Beethoven smiles and his eye moves.
2. After school when there should be none there, but someone heard piano being played.

NO.3 Science Room. Reasons :
There is a humad body's model and it dances.

NO.4 Teachers' Room Reasons :
There are TEACHERS.

It was amazimg that the kids have so many stories.


Moderator Viljenka Šavli, Solkan primary School, Slovenia

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