Utricularia bremii

or maybe species nova?

Botanist Karel Dežman (Karl Deschmann) documented one place on Ljubljansko barje (1858) where U. bremii was growing. At the beginning of 20th century the habitat was destroyed. For another 100 years no plants of this species was found so it was declared as extinct in Slovenia.


U. bremii from Germany.
Foto: Jan Schlauer



Another population of U. bremii from Germany.
Foto: Andreas Fleischmann



We (re)found U. bremii(?) in summer 2012 on other habitat.


Why questionmark? Some details show differences from typical U. bremii from Central Europe; it could be a new, undescribed species.
Clasical form U. minor, very rare on this habitat.
This new form is not quite typical U. bremii, but most plants belong to this form.
Bladder with strong anomalocaris looking antennaes.
Green floating stems and pale stems, anchored in substratum, not characteristic for U. bremii nor U. minor.
Seed capsule. According to literature it shouldn't exists. Not like this!


Floating stem.


Quadrifid cells, the angle between shorter arms is 180 °. Bristles on leaf segments, this is not usual in U. minor.

According to personal communication with prominent botanists Dr. Jan Schlauer and Dr. Andreas Fleischman, both experts for the genus Utricularia, that this population could be cross between U. minor and U. intermedia, but many investigation should be done to prove it. Several similar plants were found in history.

As we know now, U. bremii is cross between U. minor and U. stygia that happened somewhere in Benelux in 19th century.


    Začetna stran CP in Slovenia Exhibition 2003 Exhibition 2005