Exhibition in Botanical garden in Ljubljana,
from 22th september till 10th october 2003

Avtor razstave med pripravo

Postavitev in kamuflaža

Transfer was the minor trouble. I need more than 3.000 litres of Sphagnum for grounding,
 and another
3.000 litres of living Sphagnum for surface. The habitat was looking almost natural except labels.

Vsaka rastlina ima svoje ime

Every plant got its etiquette with basic data.


Vodič biolog Miloš Bartol in Martin Meznarič, ki je precej pomagal pri postavitvi

Absolventka biologije Metka Udovič med razlago

Miloš ima polne roke dela, obiskovalci pa so zelo zadovoljni z razlago

There were more than 4.000 individual visitors and a lot more organized pupils in three weeks.

A copy of the very first herbarium sheet in Slovenian language from the year 1843 and imagine, it was Drosera longifolia

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