Electronic Commerce mag. Janez TopliĊĦek

Using Information Technology for Higher Efficiency and Successfulness of an Political Party (article in Slovenian)

English Summary:

Political parties in the parliamentary democracy are working in a very competitive environment, therefore they should treat very seriously their effectiveness and successfulness. Information system is a very important element of effectiveness/successfulness of any organization. The contribution analyses the situation in Slovenia (after first parliamentary elections in 1990) and indicates the expected ways of organizational/informational solutions in political parties. Although certain similarities with business systems are possible, the important differences between political and technocratical systems should be sonsidered. Amongh particular approaches the author ecpecially indicates to: systems for decision support, tools for team work support, the question of common/national solutions, objects of internal party's IS etc. All solutions will have to support objectives/orientations of a party. The author establishes that all key development questions on managing information systems are valid for information organization of political parties as well.

Published in: "Organizacija in kadri", Journal for Management, Informatics and Personnel, Vol. 1991, Num. 9-10, p. 622; Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Maribor, Slovenia

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