Phantastic songs of the S.E.Asian cicadas!

by Matija Gogala & Tomi Trilar

The loud insect singers - cicadas - show in S.E.Asia very high diversity in forms, colours and acoustic signals. During the years 1992 - 2002 I visited with my colleagues from Slovenian Museum of Natural History in Ljubljana, Slovenia, a few times this region and recorded many fascinating songs of cicadas there. Here is just a humble digest of the rich acoustic soundscape, bound merely to the remaining but disappearing rainforests of the S.E.Asia

Represented digital recordings originate mainly from Thailand and Malaysia. More examples from Borneo (Sabah, Sarawak) one can find in the homepage of Klaus Riede, Germany.

Identified cicadas:

Cicadas with uncertain identification:


Gogala M., 1995: Songs of four cicada species from Thailand. Bioacoustics 6: 101-116.

Gogala M., Riede K., 1995: Time sharing of song activity by cicadas in Temengor Forest Reserve, Hulu Perak, Malaysia. Malayan Nature Journal 48: 297-305.

Gogala M., Trilar T., 2004. Biodiversity of cicadas in Malaysia - a bioacoustic approach. Serangga 9(1-2): 63-81.

Gogala M., Trilar T., 2007. Description of the song of Purana metallica from Thailand and P. latifascia from Borneo (Hemiptera, Cicadidae). – Tijdschrift voor entomologie 150: 389-400.

Kos M., Gogala M., 2000: The cicadas of the Purana nebulilinea group (Homoptera, Cicadidae) with a note on their songs. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 143: 1-25.

Gogala M., Trilar T., Kozina U., Duffels H. (2004): Frequency modulated song of the cicada Maua albigutta (Walker 1856) (Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadoidea) from South East Asia. – Scopolia 54: 1-15.

Prešern J., Gogala M., Trilar T., Comparison of Dundubia vaginata ()Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadoidea) songs from Borneo and Peninsular Malaysia. Acta entomologica slovenica 12(2): 239-248.

Trilar T., Gogala M., 2002: Description of the song of Purana sagittata Schouten & Duffels (Homoptera, Cicadidae) from peninsular Malaysia. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 145: 47-55.

More interesting examples will be shown here in the future...

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Last update: 14.8.2018

  Matija Gogala, Ljubljana - Slovenia