English Slovensko
My portrait Ivan Kanič

afna E-mail:      ivan.kanicgmail.com



Some basics on me

I was born in 1951 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, but I attended the elementary school in Maribor and graduated there from the secondary school, as well. I studied linguistics (French and English) and passed my B.A. at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana.

I got engaged in librarianship in 1979 working first as a documentalist at the Central Economic Library within the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana. I became Head of the Library later, and I was one of the founders and Head of the European Documentation Centre. My fields of interest and activity were above all library automation, information work and library terminology. In the period 1992 to 2004 I was working in the National and University Library as a consultant, Head of Research & Development Centre, interim Director of the National and University Library and Head of the Information and Referral Centre. In 2004 I returned to the Central Economic Library to the position of the Head Librarian. Since 2016 I have the position of the Head at the European Documentation Centre (EDC), Faculty of Economics. I was a lecturer of Information technology and Library automation for ten years at the Department of LIS, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. Library terminology is my topmost interest so I have been an active member of the Commission on Library Terminology since 1987 when I had been its cofounder. Since 2002 I have been an active member of the group of editors preparing the Slovene Dictionary of Informatics - Islovar.

Besides Slovenian I speak English, French, German and Croat/Serbian, I can get round with Russian a bit as well.

My hobbies

I have a family with two adult sons, our grand-daughter was born in 2016. Ma family must have missed me too often in the past because of my work. I am spending most of my time dealing with different aspects of library terminology, taking part in the preparation and updating of the first Slovenian Dictionares of Library Terminology, in the past I was the initiator and manager of the international project Multilingual Dictionary of Library Terminology in 16 languages (project discontinued). Both dictionaries were published in printed and in electronic form. I am doing my best in contributing and editing two blogs, Biblioblog on general library matters, and Bibliotekarska terminologija on library terminology, both in Slovene language, but there is a Google Translate widget to solve the problem. You may find me on social networks Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Academia.edu.

In the past years you might have met me in the fields and meadows of Podutik (just outside Ljubljana) walking at night a friendly samoyed named Petek (meaning Friday), later an amiable Siberian husky Nap (shortened for Napoleon). Now I do not need to service the skis of my older son Matevž ana more, he used to be an active ski racer but has taken the duties of the coach and serviceman lately. I used to mounteneer and tinker around the house with different tools a lot but this has become very seldom lately. Our grandchildren Julija and Ožbej are my joy now.

Updated January 2017