National and University Library
Ljubljana, Slovenia

Dictionaries of Library Terminology

Selection, arrangement and presentation
of lexicographic material

International Conference
Ljubljana, September 28 - 29, 2000

Sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology

Call for Papers

Papers should address topics at the intersection of theoretical and practical aspects concerning library terminology, fundamental issues of authority in terminology and professional usage, construction of monolongual and multilingual dictionaries in this specific subject field, and construction of electronic dictionaries.


1. Library terminology

2. Dictionary construction 3. International project "Multilingual Dictionary of Library Terminology"

This subject list is by no means final and does not exclude other related topics proposed by authors.


Accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings book and abstracts book.


Papers may be submitted in English, German or French.
Working language of the conference will be English. No interpretation will be provided.
The administrative language will be English.


Authors are requested to send their proposals using the following form:


  Proposal deadline   May 20, 2000
  Authors notified   June 15, 2000
  Final abstracts due      August 31, 2000
  Final papers due   September 15, 2000   

All proposals should reach the Organizing Committee by May 20, 2000. The preliminary programme will then be drawn up and official letters of invitation with registration forms sent to the authors.

It will be a condition of official conference paper presentations that a one-page abstract in English is received by August 31. Instructions for the submission of abstracts and conference papers will be given in the letter of invitation to the authors no later than June 15, 2000. Presenters will be expected to send copies of their full-text papers before the Conference, the deadline is September 15. All papers listed in the official programme are eligible for publication in the Conference Proceedings.


Detailed information regarding registration and the Conference will be announced with the preliminary Conference programme no later than June 15, 2000.

For current announcements and accompanying information visit the Conference web page at

Programme Board

Prof. Martin Žnideršič, PhD. - Department for Library Science, University of Ljubljana
Prof. Jože Urbanija, PhD. - Department for Library Science, University of Ljubljana
Ivan Kanič - National and University Library
Zlata Dimec - National and University Library
Zvonka Leder - Academy of Science and Arts

Proposals, suggestions and questions are welcome and should be addressed to the

Organizing Committee

Ivan Kanič - National and University Library
Polona Vilar - Department for Library Science, University of Ljubljana
Alenka Šauperl, PhD. - Department for Library Science, University of Ljubljana

Contact address: Ivan Kanič
National and University Library
Turjaška 1
1000 Ljubljana
   Telephone: (++ 386) (01) 200 11 99
    200 11 96    Telefax:     (++ 386) (01) 42 55 007

Created March 23, 2000