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Interfaces between the Optimisation Shell INVERSE
and Simulation Programmes
Version 0
Igor Gresovnik
Ljubljana, the 30 th of November 1998
Table of contents:
1. Shell-Simulation Interfaces *
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Elfen is a general purpose finite element programme for solution of thermo-mechanical problems in solid mechanics. It is capable of solving nonlinear problems involving large strains and deformations, different material models, thermo-mechanical coupling and contact phenomena. It is therefore convenient for simulation of a large range of forming processes or product behavior in operating conditions.
At the current stage, a file interface between the shell Inverse and Elfen is available. The interfacing utilities include reading individual results or result fields from Elfen's output files, and replacing fields in the Elfen's input files. It is usually much more comfortable to use these interfacing utilities than to use the general file interface.
A set of expression evaluator's functions that read individual results from the analysis output file is available. These functions can be used in mathematical expressions evaluated by the expression evaluator. This way, the analysis results can be grabbed and used at in the evaluation of the objective and constraint functions and their derivatives. An example is the expression evaluator's function noddisp that returns a specific component of specific nodal displacement after a specific increment.
Before the appropriate expression evaluator's functions are used, the analysis result file must be connected with the pre-defined file variable anoutfile and the initoutput command must be executed.
There is a set of file interpreter's functions that read
whole fields from analysis result files and store them in
field variables. These functions can be used when a lot of
individual field components are involved in calculation of the
functions derived from analysis result. Reading whole fields
into field variables and then operating with components of
these variables can in such cases be quicker than using
expression evaluator's functions that return individual
components of the result fields. Sometimes whole result fields
are used as an input for another analysis. For example, at
shape optimisation the parametrised mesh, which depends on
optimisation (shape) parameters, is often obtained by elastic
deformation of a reference mesh. The initial mesh at specific
parameters is obtained by adding displacements from the
elastic analysis to the reference mesh.