An Example of
Running Inverse Analysis |
A Short Guide to the
Optimisation Shell Inverse
(for Version 3.6)
Igor Grešovnik
Ljubljana, January 2000
2.1.3 Expression evaluator (calculator)
2.1.5 Connection with the Simulation Programme
2.3 An Example of Running Inverse Analysis
2.3.2 Command file for the optimisation shell
is a general-purpose programming shell for solving inverse and optimisation
problems. In principle it is designed for use with other programmes which can perform
simulations of what we want to optimize. It can be used stand-alone for testing
and training purposes and for numerical experimentation.
History of INVERSE began in spring 1994. It was created for solving inverse
problems in continuum mechanics. It used a finite element method based
programme Elfen developed in Rockfield Software, Swansea, for direct
simulations. The first interface with the simulation programme was therefore
made for Elfen. It used Elfen’s input and output files for
accessing the data. It is believed that a direct interface with this programme
will be available in a year or two. This interface will allow direct access to
simulation input and output data and better control over simulation from the
User of the shell is not bound by Elfen as a simulation programme because
a general file interface is
available in INVERSE. By this
interface user can access and replace data in text files and can therefore use Inverse in connection with any
simulation programme which uses text input and output files. However, for
simplicity in many examples it will be assumed that user uses Elfen as a simulation programme.
Sometimes in these examples functions for interfacing Elfen will be stated. User should know that he must replace these
functions with appropriate code which will properly interface the simulation
programme he uses.
Using the general file interface
proved approximately as quick as using built-in routines for accessing data in
simulation programme’s input and output files. Therefore, the additional cost
when using a simulation programme for which interfacing functions are not yet
built in the shell, should be negligible. A direct interface would of course be
much faster, but will be available only for a limited numbers of programmes (in
the future we will try to build such interfaces for as many well known
simulation programmes as possible). However, data exchange through files should
typically take much less than a single simulation and therefore be acceptable.
This especially holds if user can control input and output of the simulation
programme he uses well. In this case he can achieve that only the necessary
data is transfered between the simulation programme, its input and output files
and Inverse. Interfacing through
files using the shell’s general file interface becomes very quick this way and
there is no need for a direct interface.
Optimisation shell Inverse is designed for
solving inverse and optimisation problems. Simulation programme, typically a finite
element method (FEM) based programme is used for evaluation of the objective
and constraint functions.
The solution scheme of typical problem solved
by the shell is shown in Figure
1. Tasks on the left side of the figure are a part of
the optimisation algorithm which minimises the objective function. The right
part of the scheme is referred to as “direct analysis” or “simulation”. It
represents the main part of the evaluation of the objective and constraint
functions and is usually performed by a separate programme or a separate
In the solution scheme of
optimisation or inverse problems, the shell provides optimisation algorithms
and an environment in which one can link these algorithms with the simulation
programme which is used for evaluation of the objective and constraint
functions and possibly their gradients. Beside optimisation algorithms the
shell also provides the user with other tools necessary to approach
optimisation problems effectively, i.e. tabulating utilities, some basic
mathematical tools, etc. Beside the tools which are directly set for solving
optimisation problems, the shell provides tools for manipulating the simulation
environment which plays crucial role at the problem definition. At the end, the
shell provides an environment in which the user can use both set of tools in
order to properly define and solve various kinds of the optimisation problems.
Figure 1: A solution scheme for an optimisation problem.
2 shows how the shell is used in combination with a
simulation programme to form a flexible optimisation system for solving inverse
and optimisation problems. User of the system defines a skeleton of the direct
problems that are successively solved during the optimisation process, by the
simulation unit’s pre-processor.
optimisation problem and the solution strategy are defined through the shell’s
command file. To ensure high flexibility at defining various problems, the
command file syntax resembles a high level programming language. All necessary
supporting utilities like optimisation algorithms, function definition
facilities, mathematical tools (function approximation, matrix operations,
etc.) and interfacing with the direct simulation, are provided through the
pre-defined shell interpreter’s functions. Data transfer between these
utilities, implemented as separated modules of the shell, is provided through
the shell’s global variables.
the solution procedure the shell interprets the command file. Everything what
happens is either explicitly or implicitly defined in the command file.
Typically, the core part of the solution procedure is a built-in optimisation
algorithm, whose execution is triggered from the command file. The algorithm
successively executes direct problems at different sets of the design
parameters. Direct problems are defined in a special block of commands in the
command file. The simulation interfacing functions are used to properly update
the direct analysis definition according to the design parameters and to read
and combine the analysis results to form the information needed by the
optimisation algorithm (i.e. the objective and constraint functions values and
their derivatives with respect to the design parameters).
Figure 2: Scheme of the optimisation
system which consists of the shell and an optimisation programme.
User of the optimisation system accesses all
built-in tools of the optimisation shell through the file interpreter’s
functions. When the shell is run, its file interpreter interprets the command
file written by the user and executes the appropriate actions.
Syntax of the command file is very simple. It
consists of function names each of which is followed by an argument block in
curly brackets. Curly brackets following function names are necessary even when
functions take no arguments (in this case brackets are empty).
The order in which functions should be called
is not defined in advance and is affected only by the logics of the procedure
which is defined through the command file. For example, if we run commands
which operate on files, we must take care about opening the appropriate files
first. If we run an optimisation algorithm, we must previously define how the
objective and constraint functions, etc., are evaluated.
The file interpreter does not
enforce any rules how arguments should be passed to functions through the
argument list. It is the matter of the interpreter’s functions how they
interpret arguments in their argument blocks. Some general rules are set about
format of specific types of arguments, however functions can be written which
don’t obey these rules completely. These functions are exceptional and in the
instructions for their use the formats of their argument lists are is always
exactly described.
Beside functions which trigger
pre-defined algorithms and built-in tools of the shell, there are also flow
control functions, i.e. functions which enable branches and loops. The rules
for these functions are the same as for the others. It is typical for them that
their argument lists contain blocks of commands which are interpreted by the
interpreter if certain conditions are fulfilled. These conditions are specified
by the user in the form of mathematical expressions which are evaluated by the
shell’s expression evaluator. Expression evaluator is a special module of the
shell which enables evaluation of mathematical expressions.
Here is a simple example of the use
of the while loop:
while{ (i<=10)
={i :
write{“ i = “ $i \n}
The first function (=) sets expression evaluator’s variable i to 1. This variable is also created because it has not existed
before. The while function which is
an implementation of the while loop
follows. The function takes two arguments: the first one is condition – a
mathematical expression in round
brackets. The second one is a block in square brackets which is successively
executed (interpreted) while the condition is fulfilled, i.i. while the
expression in round bracket evaluates to a non-zero value. In the present
example, we add 1 to variable i and write its value while it is not greater
than 10.
Beside the while
loop, the interpreter knows the do
loop and the if/else branch. syntax is the following:
while {
(expression) [block] }
do { [block] (expression) }
if { (expression) [block1] <
else [block2] > }
The do
function executes the block in square brackets until the value of the
expression in the round brackets becomes zero. The if function executes the block in the first square brackets if the
expression in the round brackets evaluates to zero. Otherwise it executes the
block in the second square brackets in the case it is given (this block is
optional, which is indicated by angle brackets in the if command syntax definition). The word else is meaningless for the interpreter, but can be added for
clearness of the code.
The user can define new interpreter functions
by the interpreter. This can be done bz the interpreter-s function function with the following syntax:
function {name
(arguments) [definition] }
name is the name of new interpreter-s function
defined this way. arguments is the
round brackets is a list of formal arguments where their names are separated by
spaces. The definition block follows
in the square brackets. Every time the newly defined function is called in the command file, all
appearences of formal parameters in the definition
block are replaced by real parameters on the string bases and then the defiition block is intepreted. The
appearences of formal parameters in the definition
block are designated by argument names preceeded by the “#” sign.
Expression evaluator (also referred to as calculator) serves for evaluation of
mathematical expressions given as string arguments of the file interpreter's functions. Its
important use is in flow control functions for evaluation of conditions for
loops and branches. Normally, mathematical expressions can also be used in
place of numerical arguments of the file interpreter’s functions (there are
some rare exceptions).
There are two interpreter’s functions which
manipulate the expression evaluator’s system, i.e. = and $. The = function assigns a numerical value to
a calculator’s variable and creates that variable if it has not been defined
yet. The $ function assigns a definition to a calculator’s variable or
function. This function also creates an object anew if it has not been defined
Here is an example how these functions can be
= { b : 3*4 }
$ { c : b+2*a }
= { a : b/3 }
$ { f1[x,y] : a*f2[x] }
$ { f2[t] : t*t }
= { b : f2[a] }
With the
first = function we assign the value
of expression “3*4”, i.e. 12, to the expression
evaluator’s variable b which is also
created since it has not existed before. With the $ command which follows we define a new variable c so that it represents the expression “b+2*a”. This expression does not have a
defined value since the variable a
has not been defined yet. The definition of b
is symbolical and its value will not be defined until we define a. This is done with the next = function which creates the variable a
and assigns the value of the expression “b/3”,
i.e. 4, to it. With the next $
function we define a new calculator’s function named f1. It is defined the expression “a*f2[x]” where a refers
to a expression evaluator’s variable, x
and y will be at function evaluation
replaced by the arguments with which function is called, and f2 is the expression evaluator’s
function named f2 which is at this
point not defined. The definition is again symbolical, so it will be able to
use the newly defined function in expression evaluations as soon as the
function f2 is defined. This is done
in the next line where we define function f2
as square of its only argument. In the last line we assign the value of
expression “f2[a]” to variable b. The value of b so becomes 16 instead of 12, since the value of a is 4 and the
function f2 evaluates to square
of its only argument by the definition
made in previous line. Because the value of b
has been changed, the value of c in
expressions also changes because c is
defined through an expression which contains the variable b. The value of a does
not change, because the present value of the expression “b/3” has been assigned to a,
not the expression itself.
The expression evaluator has
pre-installed some basic mathematical functions like trigonometric and
hyperbolic functions, and it knows basic algebraic operators like +, *, -, etc.
The user can arbitrarily combine these functions and operators to define new
evaluator’s variables and functions. Besides, new functions can also be defined
through the shell’s file interpreter by the function definefunction. At each evaluation of such function its definition
block is interpreted.
Of special importance are the
pre-defined expression evaluator’s functions through which the user can access
the global variables of the shell. All relevant data are stored in such variables
during the shell’s execution. Through the appropriate expression evaluator’s
functions these data can be used in the flow control conditions or as arguments
to file interpreter’s functions. This way, results of shell’s algorithms can be
used as input for another algorithms and unlimited data transfer between
different modules and utilities of the shell is provided.
User defined variables are used for data
storage and data exchange between modules and utilities of the shell. Different
types of variables (i.e. scalar, vector, matrix or field variables) enable
storage of different types of data. These variables are separated from the
expression evaluator, but for most of their types there are pre-defined
evaluator’s functions which can access numerical data stored in them. Each
variable type has its own set of interpreter’s and evaluator’s functions for
handling variables of that type. This includes creating, copying and renaming
variables and setting and accessing data stored in them.
Each user-defined variable can
contain a multi-dimensional table of elements of a certain type. This enables grouping of pieces of data with
similar meaning. Number of dimensions of such element table will be referred to
as variable rank. Number of elements which a variable can hold equals products
of its dimensions, or 1 if the variable rank is 0. Rank and dimensions of
variables are specified by user when they are created by appropriate functions.
In argument blocks of file interpreter’s
functions specific data element are referred by variable element
specifications. These consist of a variable name and an optional index
specification. Index specification is a list of indices in square brackets
which specify the position of data element in the variable’s element table. It
must be given if the rank of the appropriate variable is different than zero.
Let’s say that the user has defined a vector variable named “v1” which holds a three-dimensional
table of vectors with dimensions 2, 4 and 3. The last of its 34 elements is
then referred to as “v1[2,4,3]”
or “v1[2
4 3]”.
Some variables have a pre-defined meaning and are reserved for carrying
exactly specified information. For example, a scalar variable named objectivemom holds the lastly evaluated
objective function(s) during the execution of optimisation algorithms.
Pre-defined variables serve for automatic storage of important intermediate or final results of algorithms and for
transfer of data between direct analyses and optimisation algorithms.
Optimisation algorithms consequently evaluate
the objective and constraint functions (and possibly their derivatives), which are defined via the simulation. The
optimisation shell must therefore provide a mechanism of defining how the
constraint and objective functions are evaluated, take care for performing this
evaluation in the optimisation algorithms and enable proper data transfer
between optimisation algorithms and direct analysis.
Two concepts are crucial for providing this
functionality. First, the evaluation of the objective and constraint function
is performed via interpretation of a specific block of code in the command file
in which the user exactly defines how these functions are evaluated, together
with execution of the simulation programme and necessary interfacing with
simulation input and results. By convention this is the argument block of the
interpreter’s function analysis.
Second, transfer of data between the shell’s
built-in algorithms or utilities and the direct analysis defined by the user
through the argument block of the analysis
function is implemented through the shell’s variables with pre-defined meaning.
When an optimisation algorithm requires evaluation of the objective and
constraint functions, the parameters at which the direct analysis should be
performed are written to the vector variable parammom and then the argument block of the analysis function is interpreted. Within this block, which defines
the direct analysis, parameter values can be accessed through vector variable parammom and used in interface functions
to update the simulation input according to these parameter values. The file
interpreter’s and expression evaluator’s functions are then used to run the
simulation, collect its results relevant to the optimisation algorithm and to
evaluate the necessary functions like the objective and constraint functions
and their gradients. At the end of the analysis
function argument block the evaluated data must be stored in the appropriate
pre-defined variables where the optimisation algorithm can pick them. For
example, the objective function values must be stored in the scalar variable objectivemom.
In fact there is another interface function
between each optimisation algorithm and the direct analysis definition. This
function is called in the algorithm’s code when the evaluation of the objective
or constraint function is required. It stores its input argument (vector of
parameters set by the optimisation algorithm) to the scalar variable parammom, interprets the argument block
of function analysis, and returns
data stored in the appropriate global variables to the optimisation algorithm.
The simplest use of the shell is for parametric
studies, i.e. for running direct analyses at different sets of parameters. Even
when an inverse or optimisation problem needs to be solved it is recommended
that direct analysis is run first to test if the problem was set correctly and
there are no problems with the simulation.
In this chapter an example of how to prepare a
command file for running a direct analysis at a specific set of parameters is
shown. The file is prepared for inverse analysis with two parameters and four
measurements. The meaning of specific commands is explained and some conceptual
details are discussed on the example.
An example code of how to run an inverse
analysis is shown in this chapter. The parts of the command file are explained
and some conceptual details are discussed.
The example deals with inverse identification
of hardening parameters of the potential law for the hardening curve. The
identification is performed on the basis of experimental data obtained with the
tension test where forces at different elongations of the specimen are measured
(Figure 3). Model parameters C and n are obtained by
minimising the function
, (1)
where are measured forces at different elongations;
are the respective quantities calculated with
the finite element model by assuming trial values of parameters C and n;
are the expected errors of the appropriate
measurements and
is the number of measurements.
Figure 3: Inverse identification of hardening parameters from results of the
tension test.
code in the shell’s command file which solves the problem is given below. Line numbers
are added because of easier referencing. Functions comment or * are used
for comments. These functions do nothing, so what is in their argument blocks
can be used for in-code comments.
1. comment { beginning of the command file }
setfile{outfile “test.ct”} *{output file of the shell}
setvector{ meas 4 {1:62200} {2:67800}
{3:68900} {4:68000} } *{ vector of measurements}
setvector{ sigma {1 1 1 1} } *{
vector of measurement erors }
*{ Definition of a new function in
expression evaluator: }
${force[inc]: nodreac[inc,4,1] +nodreac[inc,5,1]
+nodreac[inc,6,1] +nodreac[inc,7,1] +nodreac[inc,8,1] }
*{ beginning of the “analysis” block }
setfile{aninfile “test.dat”} *{ simulation programme’s
input file }
*{ initialization of interface }
setparam{} *{
updating parameters in simulation programme’s input data }
system{“elfen16 test”} *{ running a simulation
programme }
setfile{anoutfile “test.res”} *{ simulation programme’s output file }
*{ initialization of interface }
meas{1 “force[1]”}
*{ setting components of simulated
measuremets }
meas{2 “force[2]”}
meas{3 “force[3]”}
meas{4 “force[4]”}
20. *
{ end of the analysis block }
setoption {autochi2}
setvector{ parammom 2 {1276 0.1124} }
*{ setting vector of parameters }
25. analyse{} *{
running analysis at given prameters }
setvector{parammom 2}
28. inverse *{ running inverse analysis }
simplex 0.001 300
3 2
{1 1:
1000 }
{1 2:
0.1 }
{2 1:
1100 }
{2 3:
0.1 }
{3 1:
1000 }
{3 2:
0.11 }
41. comment{ end of the command file }
With the setfile command in the second line the file outfile is open. The first argument of the command is the internal
name of the file and the second argument is the name of physical file on the
disk which is connected with this name. outfile
is by convention a file into which results of shell’s operations are written,
so from this point on the output of shell’s functions will be written to the
file named test.ct. Functions also
print their output to the standard output of the shell (usually the terminal
window in which the shell was run). The setfile
function can also take the third argument which specifies how the file is open.
In this case the file is open only for writing which is a convention for the
pre-defined file outfile. If the file
exists before it is overwritten.
The setvector command in line 3 creates the vector variable meas and sets its only vector element as
specified in its argument block. Vector dimension (4) is specified first, then
the component values follow. meas is
a vector variable with pre-defined meaning and holds the measurements for
inverse analysis.
With the next setvector command vector sigma
(vector of measurement errors) is set. sigma
is also a vector variable with a pre-defined meaning which have by definition the
same dimension as the vector meas.
Since this dimension is already known because it was specified when vector meas was set, it does not need to be
specified again and therefore only the four vector components are set. Vectors
can be given in various different formats which will be discussed later.
A new expression evaluator’s
function force is defined by the $ command in line 6. This function will
return the simulated forces at increments specified by the only arguments.
These forces will be extracted from the simulation output by the expression
evaluator’s built-in functions nodreac.
These functions are a part of the shell-simulation interface and can extract
nodal reactions from the output of the finite element simulation programme.
This function is at the moment available only for the FEM programme Elfen and
extract data only for programme’s output file. The shell-simulation interface
must be initialised before this function is evaluated. For some other
simulation programmes interfaces will be available in the future. When the
interface with a particular simulation programme is not implemented in the
shell, the general file interface utilities can be used to extract the data
from the simulation output file. With this utilities data can be obtained from
any text output file with a known format, but this requires few additional
lines in the command file. The user can also build the whole set of interfacing
functions based on the general file interface utilities.
With the analysis command in line 7 it is specified how the direct analysis
at specific parameter values is performed. The argument block of this commmand
is interpreted by the shell’s file interpreter every time the direct analysis
is performed. Therefore interpretation of this block is a part of evaluation of
the objective and constraint functions and possibly their derivatives with
respect to parameters. Execution of the analysis
function itself does not do much, actually it only stores the position of its
argument block so that it can be found and interpreted when the evaluation of
the objective or constraint functions or their gradients is requested.
The first command in the argument
block of the analysis command, setfile in line 10, connects the file
variable aninfile with the file test.dat and opens that file. The file
is open for writing since aninfile ia
a pre-defined file variable used for the simulation input file. The next
command, initinput, initialises the
shell’s interface with the simulation programme’s input file. This command must
be executed before using functions for setting input data for the simulation.
This is the property of current interface with the finite element programme Elfen and is not in general valid for
interfacing with other simulation programme (see references for interfaces with
other programmes or the reference for the general file interface) Among the
others, the initinput command sets
the file on which the interface functions will operate to the file connected
with the file variable aninfile.
The setparam function which is called next is a part of the file
interface. This function sets the current values of input parameters in the
simulation’s input file. These values are found in the vector variable parammmom, which by convention holds
current parameter values. In the interface with Elfen, the user must designate the placer in Elfen’s input file where the parameters must be updated, so that
the setparam function can find these
places and update the appropriate values. Again, different rules apply to other
The system command in line 13 runs the simulation programme with the
updated input data which is in this case read from file. At the rest of the analysis function’s argument block, the
necessary results are read and the appropriate function values (like the
objective function) are evaluated.
The setfile function in line 14 sets connects the file variable anoutfile with the file test.res and opens that file for
reading. anoutfile is also a
pre-defined file variable which represents the analysis output file.
The initoutput command initialises the part of the interface which
interact with the analysis output. It must be executed before the interface
functions for extracting results are called or evaluated.
The next four calls of the meas function (lines 16 to 19) specify
how the values of the vector measmom
will be calculated. The first argument of each function is the number of
component which is evaluated and the second argument is a mathematical
expression in double quote, the value of which is assigned to that component.
The function meas evaluates the
expression by the expression evaluator and assigns its value to the appropriate
component of vector measmom. In all
four cases, expressions include the expression evaluator’s function force which was defined in line 6. This
function includes calls to the expression evaluator’s function nodreac which is a part of the shell’s
interface with the simulation programme Elfen.
This function evlauates to a specific component of the nodal reaction at a
specific node after a specific increment. The increment number, node number and
component are arguments of the function, while the returned information is
extracted from the simulation output file which becomes known to the interface
when the initoutput command is
The value of the objective function
is in this case calculated automatically in this case from measurements meas, measurement errors sigma and simulated measurements measmom according to formula (1). This
value is written to the scalar variable objectivemom
after the analysis function’s
argument block is interpreted. Automatic evaluation of the objective function
is instructed by setting the autochi2
option which can be used at inverse analyses. When optimisation is in question,
we must always explicitly specify at the end of the analysis command’s argument block how the objection function is
In lines 24 and 25 a direct analysis
is run at specific values of parameters. First we set the current vector of
parameters parammom and then run the
direct analysis by the analyse
command. This command triggers the interpretation of the analysis function’s argument block and the prints the results of
the analysis, i.e. prints the pre-defined variables in which results are stored
by convention.
The inverse command in line 28 executes the inverse analysis, i.e. the
algorithm which minimises the objective function. The first two parameters
specify the algorithm which is used (the simplex method in this case), then a
tolerance for function minimum and maximum allowed number of iteration are
given and the last argument is a matrix of initial guesses. This matrix is
given in a standard format in which matrices are specified in the shell. The
simplex method requires one more initial guesses than the number of parameters.
A setvector function is called
before the call to inverse, but only
the dimension of vector parammom was
specified, not the components. These are set subsequently by the optimisation
algorithm when it runs direct analyses.
Whenever the optimisation algorithm
wants to evaluate the objective or constraint functions or their derivatives,
it calls the appropriate shell’s internal function for direct analysis. This
function first copies the parameters, which are its input arguments set by the
optimisation algorithms, to the vector variable parammom, and then triggers interpretation of the argument block of
the analysis command. At the end it
passes the appropriate pre-defined variables to the optimisation algorithm,
according to what it has requested. In the analysis
function’s argument block the user defines the way how different functions
requested by the optimisation algorithm are calculated at a specific set of
parameters. The parameter values set by the algorithm can be accessed through
the pre-defined vector variable parammom.
The user must programme the way how the simulation input data is updated
according to parameter values, how the simulation is performed and how the
needed data is evaluated and written to the appropriate pre-defined variables.
The shell’s internal function for the direct analysis then passes the
appropriate results to the optimisation algorithm.