IGLib  1.7.2
The IGLib base library EXTENDED - with other lilbraries and applications.
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Package IG.Forms

Interface implemented by file viewers (usually GUI components). More...


package  Properties
package  Test


class  AlignmentControl
 Control for setting horizontal and vertical alignment of items. More...
class  AlignmentControlOld
 Control for adjusting alignment. More...
class  AlignmentTestForm
 Test form, used only to test if control can be inclded in the form.. More...
class  AppTestForms
 Test application for forms. Usage: AppTestForms.Init(). More...
class  AssemblyInfoControl
class  AssemblyInfoForm
class  AssemblySelector
class  BrowserSimpleControl
class  BrowserSimpleForm
class  BrowserSimpleWindow
class  client_program
class  ClientForm
class  ClientMessages
class  CompilerForm
class  CompilerFormOld
class  ConsoleForm
 Console replacement. More...
class  ControlManipulator
 Performs various operations on the specified controls: More...
class  ControlPropertyStore
 Stores properties of a specified control, and restores them to on arbitrary controls. More...
class  ControlViewerControl
class  ControlViewerForm
 Windows form (System.Windows.Forms.Form) that can launch and show arbitrary controls and can create them if necessary. More...
class  CookingTimerControl
class  CookingTimerForm
class  DialogControl
 Highly configurable interactive message box with custom buttons, message, and possibly editable text. More...
class  DialogForm
class  DialogFormDemoControl
class  DialogFormDemoForm
class  DirectorySelector
class  DllSelector
class  FadingMessage
 Manages a fading message window. Windows containing a message are launched in separate threads, closing after a specified time. More...
class  FadingMessageOld
 Manages a fading message window. Windows containing a message are launched in separate threads, closing after a specified time. More...
class  FileSelector
class  FileViewerControl
class  FileViewerForm
class  FontEventArgs
 EventArgs class that contains font information. More...
class  FontSelectorSimple
 Simple control that allows font selection. More...
class  GraphAxisItem
 Contains data and methods for manipulating a single axis item of a graph. Axis items manipulate axis labels and axis ticks. More...
class  GraphBase
 Graph data & control class. More...
class  GraphBase1
 An implementation of the things necessary for most ZedGraphDemos. More...
class  GraphItem
class  GraphLineItem
class  GraphPlotItem
 Representation of a plottable item contained in a graph. More...
class  GraphWindow
class  GraphWindowTemplate_Old
 Form used for plots. More...
class  HashControl
class  HashForm
interface  IClosableFromContainedForm
 Marker interface indicating that a form can be closed from the contained control. More...
interface  IFileViewer
class  igforms_test
 A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.
class  ImageViewerControl
class  ImageViewerForm
class  IndexChangeEventArgs
 Event arguments for events bearing information about an index (of type int) that has changed. More...
class  IndicatorLight
class  IndicatorLightTestControl
class  IndicatorLightTestForm
class  InpuOrOutputtDataDefinitionControl
 Control for editing input or output data definitions (only one of these two at a time). More...
class  InputDataDefinitionControl
 Control for editing input or output data definitions (only one of these two at a time). More...
class  InputOutputDataDefinitionControl
class  InputOutputDataDefinitionForm
class  InputParametersControl
 Control for editing input parameter values. More...
class  InputParameterSelectorMinMax
 Selection of parameter to be varied, together with bounds - for parametric tests. More...
interface  IReporterConsoleForm
interface  IReporterFadeMessage
interface  IReporterMessageBox
interface  IReporterSpeech
class  MathematicaCalculatorApp
class  MathematicaCalculatorControl
class  MessageBoxLauncher
 An exemple form that launches various message boxes. More...
class  NeuralInputControl
 Control for editing input parameter values. More...
class  NeuralInputParameterSelectorMinMax
 Selection of parameter to be varied, together with bounds - for parametric tests. More...
class  NeuralOutputValueSelector
 Selection of the output value of interest in an ANN model. More...
class  OutputValueSelector
 Selection of the output value of interest in an ANN model. More...
class  ReporterConf
 Reporter configuration. More...
class  ReporterConfigurationForm
 Reporter configuration. More...
class  ReporterConsoleMsgbox
class  ReporterConsoleMsgbox_Base
 Base class for reporter classes that contain either reporting via system console, reporting via message box, or both. More...
class  ReporterForms
 Reporting system that in particular utilizes forms. Beside the main delegates for assembling location and message strings, this class has three additional delegates for each kind of reporting (i.e. reporting with console consform, message box, fading message or console) More...
class  ReporterMsgbox
class  ReportMsg_Examples
class  ResourceSelector
class  ResourceViewerControl
class  ResourceViewerForm
class  ScalarFunctionEvaluatorControl
 Control for test evaluation of scalar functions. More...
class  ScalarFunctionEvaluatorForm
 Control for test evaluation of scalar functions. More...
class  ScalarFunctionScriptControl
 Control for definition of scalar functions by user defined expressions (through a script loader). More...
class  ScalarFunctionScriptForm
 Window for definition of scalar functions by user defined expressions (through script loader). More...
class  ScriptLoaderForm
class  sendigence_test_form
class  server_program
class  ServerForm
class  ServerMessages
class  SoundPlayerControlSimple
class  SoundPlayerFormSimple
class  TestControl
 Test control. More...
class  TestForm
 Test form. More...
class  TestFormSandbox
class  TestLayoutControl
class  TestLayoutForm
class  TestLoadableScriptInterpreter
class  TestTcpClient
class  TestTcpMultiThreadedServer
class  TestTcpServer
class  TestTestControl
class  TimerControl
class  TimerControlWorking
class  TimerForm
class  UtilForms
 Various forms utilities. More...
class  UtilResponseForms
 Utilities that enable uniform behavior of response plotting forms. More...
class  ValueChangeEventArgs
 Event arguments for events bearing information about a value of type double that has changed. More...
class  ValueChangeEventArgs< ValueType >
 Event arguments for events bearing information about value that has changed. More...
class  VectorFunctionPlotter1d
 Form for training artificial neural networks. More...
class  VectorFunctionPlotter1dForm
class  VectorFunctionPlotter2d
 Form for simple parametric tests (variation of selected parameter) performed on ANN models. More...
class  VectorFunctionPlotter2dForm
class  VectorFunctionScriptControl
class  VectorFunctionScriptForm
class  WindowPositioner
 Takes care of windows positioning, relative of absolute to the screen and/or other windows. More...
class  WindowPositionerControl
 Control for testing window positioning. More...
class  WindowPositionerForm
 Windows form for testing window positioning./summary> $A Igor xx Oct09; More...
class  WindowShiftControlNumeric
 Control for setting window positions, relative positions, sizes, positions, shifts, etc. More...
class  WindowShiftControlText
 Control for setting window positions, relative positions, sizes, positions, shifts, etc. More...
class  XMLTestPath
class  XMLTestPathForm
class  XMLTreeView
 Summary description for XMLTreeView. More...
class  XmlTreeViewControl
class  XmlTreeViewForm
class  XMLTreeViewFormOld_Keep_Some_time
 Summary description for XMLTreeView. More...


delegate void SelectedIdEventHandler (int oldId, int newId)
 Delegate for events that are triggered when ID of hte selected object changes. More...
delegate void ValueChangedEventHandler (double oldValue, double newValue)
 Delegate for events that are triggered when ID of hte selected object changes. More...
delegate void VoidDelegate ()
 Summary description for FaidMessage1. More...
delegate void FormDelegate (Form f)
 Reference to a function without arguments & return value. More...
delegate void ControlDelegate (Control ct)
delegate void FontEventHandler (object sender, FontEventArgs args)
 EventArgs type for font related events, contains a font object. More...

Detailed Description

Interface implemented by file viewers (usually GUI components).

Function Documentation

delegate void IG.Forms.SelectedIdEventHandler ( int  oldId,
int  newId 

Delegate for events that are triggered when ID of hte selected object changes.

oldIdOld ID.
newIdNew ID.
delegate void IG.Forms.ValueChangedEventHandler ( double  oldValue,
double  newValue 

Delegate for events that are triggered when ID of hte selected object changes.

oldIdOld value.
newIdNew value.
delegate void IG.Forms.VoidDelegate ( )

Summary description for FaidMessage1.

Referenced by IG.Forms.FadingMessageOld.CloseForm(), IG.Sendigence.ConsoleForm.CloseForm(), IG.Forms.ConsoleForm.CloseForm(), IG.Forms.FadingMessage.CloseForm(), IG.Forms.ReporterConf.CloseForm(), IG.Forms.ReporterConfigurationForm.CloseForm(), IG.Sendigence.ConsoleForm.FinalizeReading(), IG.Forms.ConsoleForm.FinalizeReading(), IG.Sendigence.ConsoleForm.HideInput(), IG.Forms.ConsoleForm.HideInput(), IG.Forms.XmlTreeViewControl.LoadFileToListBox(), IG.Forms.XMLTreeView.LoadFileToListBox(), IG.Forms.XMLTreeViewFormOld_Keep_Some_time.LoadFileToListBox(), IG.Forms.XmlTreeViewControl.LoadFileToTextBox(), IG.Forms.XMLTreeView.LoadFileToTextBox(), IG.Forms.XMLTreeViewFormOld_Keep_Some_time.LoadFileToTextBox(), IG.Forms.XmlTreeViewControl.ParseFileToTreeView(), IG.Forms.XMLTreeView.ParseFileToTreeView(), IG.Forms.XMLTreeViewFormOld_Keep_Some_time.ParseFileToTreeView(), IG.Sendigence.ConsoleForm.PrepareForReading(), IG.Forms.ConsoleForm.PrepareForReading(), IG.Sendigence.ConsoleForm.Read(), IG.Forms.ConsoleForm.Read(), IG.Sendigence.ConsoleForm.ReadDouble(), IG.Forms.ConsoleForm.ReadDouble(), IG.Sendigence.ConsoleForm.ReadLine(), IG.Forms.ConsoleForm.ReadLine(), IG.Sendigence.ConsoleForm.ReadLong(), IG.Forms.ConsoleForm.ReadLong(), IG.Sendigence.ConsoleForm.ReadString(), IG.Forms.ConsoleForm.ReadString(), IG.Sendigence.ConsoleForm.ShowInput(), IG.Forms.ConsoleForm.ShowInput(), IG.Forms.ConsoleForm.UpdateOutSettings(), IG.Forms.ConsoleForm.UpdateSettings(), IG.Sendigence.ConsoleForm.WriteOutput(), and IG.Forms.ConsoleForm.WriteOutput().

delegate void IG.Forms.FormDelegate ( Form  f)

Reference to a function without arguments & return value.

delegate void IG.Forms.FontEventHandler ( object  sender,
FontEventArgs  args 

EventArgs type for font related events, contains a font object.

senderObject that trigered event.
argsEvent argumets that contain the related font object.