The IGLib base library EXTENDED - with other lilbraries and applications.
Classes | |
class | fasttransformplan |
class | ftplan |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static void | ftbasegeneratecomplexfftplan (int n, ftplan plan) |
static void | ftbasegeneraterealfftplan (int n, ftplan plan) |
static void | ftbasegeneraterealfhtplan (int n, ftplan plan) |
static void | ftbaseexecuteplan (ref double[] a, int aoffset, int n, ftplan plan) |
static void | ftbaseexecuteplanrec (ref double[] a, int aoffset, ftplan plan, int entryoffset, int stackptr) |
static void | ftbasefactorize (int n, int tasktype, ref int n1, ref int n2) |
static bool | ftbaseissmooth (int n) |
static int | ftbasefindsmooth (int n) |
static int | ftbasefindsmootheven (int n) |
static double | ftbasegetflopestimate (int n) |
static void | ftcomplexfftplan (int n, int k, fasttransformplan plan) |
static void | ftapplyplan (fasttransformplan plan, double[] a, int offsa, int repcnt) |
static void | ftbasefactorize (int n, int tasktype, ref int n1, ref int n2) |
static bool | ftbaseissmooth (int n) |
static int | ftbasefindsmooth (int n) |
static int | ftbasefindsmootheven (int n) |
static double | ftbasegetflopestimate (int n) |
Public Attributes | |
const int | ftbaseplanentrysize = 8 |
const int | ftbasecffttask = 0 |
const int | ftbaserfhttask = 1 |
const int | ftbaserffttask = 2 |
const int | fftcooleytukeyplan = 0 |
const int | fftbluesteinplan = 1 |
const int | fftcodeletplan = 2 |
const int | fhtcooleytukeyplan = 3 |
const int | fhtcodeletplan = 4 |
const int | fftrealcooleytukeyplan = 5 |
const int | fftemptyplan = 6 |
const int | fhtn2plan = 999 |
const int | ftbaseupdatetw = 4 |
const int | ftbasecodeletrecommended = 5 |
const double | ftbaseinefficiencyfactor = 1.3 |
const int | ftbasemaxsmoothfactor = 5 |
const int | coltype = 0 |
const int | coloperandscnt = 1 |
const int | coloperandsize = 2 |
const int | colmicrovectorsize = 3 |
const int | colparam0 = 4 |
const int | colparam1 = 5 |
const int | colparam2 = 6 |
const int | colparam3 = 7 |
const int | colscnt = 8 |
const int | opend = 0 |
const int | opcomplexreffft = 1 |
const int | opbluesteinsfft = 2 |
const int | opcomplexcodeletfft = 3 |
const int | opcomplexcodelettwfft = 4 |
const int | opradersfft = 5 |
const int | opcomplextranspose = -1 |
const int | opcomplexfftfactors = -2 |
const int | opstart = -3 |
const int | opjmp = -4 |
const int | opparallelcall = -5 |
const int | maxradix = 6 |
const int | updatetw = 16 |
const int | recursivethreshold = 1024 |
const int | raderthreshold = 19 |
Static Private Member Functions | |
static void | ftbasegenerateplanrec (int n, int tasktype, ftplan plan, ref int plansize, ref int precomputedsize, ref int planarraysize, ref int tmpmemsize, ref int stackmemsize, int stackptr) |
static void | ftbaseprecomputeplanrec (ftplan plan, int entryoffset, int stackptr) |
static void | ffttwcalc (ref double[] a, int aoffset, int n1, int n2) |
static void | internalcomplexlintranspose (ref double[] a, int m, int n, int astart, ref double[] buf) |
static void | internalreallintranspose (ref double[] a, int m, int n, int astart, ref double[] buf) |
static void | ffticltrec (ref double[] a, int astart, int astride, ref double[] b, int bstart, int bstride, int m, int n) |
static void | fftirltrec (ref double[] a, int astart, int astride, ref double[] b, int bstart, int bstride, int m, int n) |
static void | ftbasefindsmoothrec (int n, int seed, int leastfactor, ref int best) |
static void | fftarrayresize (ref int[] a, ref int asize, int newasize) |
static void | reffht (ref double[] a, int n, int offs) |
static void | ftdeterminespacerequirements (int n, ref int precrsize, ref int precisize) |
static void | ftcomplexfftplanrec (int n, int k, bool childplan, bool topmostplan, ref int rowptr, ref int bluesteinsize, ref int precrptr, ref int preciptr, fasttransformplan plan) |
static void | ftpushentry (fasttransformplan plan, ref int rowptr, int etype, int eopcnt, int eopsize, int emcvsize, int eparam0) |
static void | ftpushentry2 (fasttransformplan plan, ref int rowptr, int etype, int eopcnt, int eopsize, int emcvsize, int eparam0, int eparam1) |
static void | ftpushentry4 (fasttransformplan plan, ref int rowptr, int etype, int eopcnt, int eopsize, int emcvsize, int eparam0, int eparam1, int eparam2, int eparam3) |
static void | ftapplysubplan (fasttransformplan plan, int subplan, double[] a, int abase, int aoffset, double[] buf, int repcnt) |
static void | ftapplycomplexreffft (double[] a, int offs, int operandscnt, int operandsize, int microvectorsize, double[] buf) |
static void | ftapplycomplexcodeletfft (double[] a, int offs, int operandscnt, int operandsize, int microvectorsize) |
static void | ftapplycomplexcodelettwfft (double[] a, int offs, int operandscnt, int operandsize, int microvectorsize) |
static void | ftprecomputebluesteinsfft (int n, int m, double[] precr, int offs) |
static void | ftbluesteinsfft (fasttransformplan plan, double[] a, int abase, int aoffset, int operandscnt, int n, int m, int precoffs, int subplan, double[] bufa, double[] bufb, double[] bufc, double[] bufd) |
static void | ftprecomputeradersfft (int n, int rq, int riq, double[] precr, int offs) |
static void | ftradersfft (fasttransformplan plan, double[] a, int abase, int aoffset, int operandscnt, int n, int subplan, int rq, int riq, int precoffs, double[] buf) |
static void | ftfactorize (int n, bool isroot, ref int n1, ref int n2) |
static int | ftoptimisticestimate (int n) |
static void | ffttwcalc (double[] a, int aoffset, int n1, int n2) |
static void | internalcomplexlintranspose (double[] a, int m, int n, int astart, double[] buf) |
static void | ffticltrec (double[] a, int astart, int astride, double[] b, int bstart, int bstride, int m, int n) |
static void | fftirltrec (ref double[] a, int astart, int astride, ref double[] b, int bstart, int bstride, int m, int n) |
static void | ftbasefindsmoothrec (int n, int seed, int leastfactor, ref int best) |
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), alglib.ftbase.ftbasegenerateplanrec(), alglib.ftbase.ftbaseprecomputeplanrec(), alglib.ftbase.ftplan.plan, alglib.ftbase.ftplan.precomputed, alglib.ftbase.ftplan.stackbuf, and alglib.ftbase.ftplan.tmpbuf.
Referenced by alglib.conv.convc1dcircularinv(), alglib.conv.convc1dinv(), alglib.conv.convc1dx(), alglib.conv.convr1dcircularinv(), alglib.conv.convr1dinv(), alglib.conv.convr1dx(), alglib.fft.fftc1d(), alglib.fft.fftr1d(), and alglib.testfftunit.testfft().
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ftbase.ffttwcalc(), alglib.ftbase.internalcomplexlintranspose(), alglib.ftbase.internalreallintranspose(), alglib.ftbase.ftplan.plan, alglib.ftbase.ftplan.precomputed, alglib.ftbase.reffht(), alglib.ftbase.ftplan.stackbuf, and alglib.ftbase.ftplan.tmpbuf.
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftbaseexecuteplan(), and alglib.ftbase.ftbaseprecomputeplanrec().
inlinestatic |
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftbasegenerateplanrec().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ftbase.ftbasemaxsmoothfactor.
Referenced by alglib.conv.convc1dx(), and alglib.conv.convr1dx().
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ftbase.ftbasefindsmoothrec().
Referenced by alglib.conv.convr1dinv(), and alglib.conv.convr1dx().
inlinestatic |
Referenced by alglib.conv.convc1dx(), and alglib.conv.convr1dx().
inlinestaticprivate |
References alglib.ftbase.fftarrayresize(), alglib.ftbase.fftbluesteinplan, alglib.ftbase.fftcodeletplan, alglib.ftbase.fftcooleytukeyplan, alglib.ftbase.fftemptyplan, alglib.ftbase.fftrealcooleytukeyplan, alglib.ftbase.fhtcodeletplan, alglib.ftbase.fhtcooleytukeyplan, alglib.ftbase.fhtn2plan, alglib.ftbase.ftbasefactorize(), alglib.ftbase.ftbasefindsmooth(), alglib.ftbase.ftbaseplanentrysize, and alglib.ftbase.ftplan.plan.
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftbasegeneratecomplexfftplan(), alglib.ftbase.ftbasegeneraterealfftplan(), and alglib.ftbase.ftbasegeneraterealfhtplan().
inlinestaticprivate |
inlinestaticprivate |
References alglib.math.sqr().
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftapplysubplan(), and alglib.ftbase.ftbaseexecuteplanrec().
inlinestaticprivate |
References alglib.ftbase.ffticltrec().
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftapplysubplan(), and alglib.ftbase.ftbaseexecuteplanrec().
inlinestaticprivate |
References alglib.ftbase.fftirltrec().
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftbaseexecuteplanrec().
inlinestaticprivate |
References alglib.ap.assert().
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.internalcomplexlintranspose().
inlinestaticprivate |
References alglib.ap.assert().
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.internalreallintranspose().
inlinestaticprivate |
References alglib.ap.assert().
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftbasefindsmooth(), and alglib.ftbase.ftbasefindsmootheven().
inlinestaticprivate |
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftbasegenerateplanrec().
inlinestaticprivate |
References alglib.ap.assert().
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftbaseexecuteplanrec().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_set_seed(), alglib.ap.assert(), alglib.ftbase.fasttransformplan.bluesteinpool, alglib.ftbase.fasttransformplan.buffer, alglib.ftbase.ftcomplexfftplanrec(), alglib.ftbase.ftdeterminespacerequirements(), alglib.ftbase.fasttransformplan.preci, and alglib.ftbase.fasttransformplan.precr.
Referenced by alglib.conv.convc1dcircularinv(), alglib.conv.convc1dinv(), alglib.conv.convc1dx(), alglib.conv.convr1dcircularinv(), alglib.conv.convr1dinv(), alglib.conv.convr1dx(), alglib.fft.fftc1d(), alglib.fft.fftr1d(), and alglib.testfftunit.testfft().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ftbase.fasttransformplan.buffer, alglib.ftbase.colmicrovectorsize, alglib.ftbase.coloperandscnt, alglib.ftbase.coloperandsize, alglib.ftbase.fasttransformplan.entries, and alglib.ftbase.ftapplysubplan().
Referenced by alglib.conv.convc1dcircularinv(), alglib.conv.convc1dinv(), alglib.conv.convc1dx(), alglib.fft.fftc1d(), alglib.fft.fftr1d(), and alglib.fft.fftr1dinternaleven().
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ftbase.ftbasemaxsmoothfactor.
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ftbase.ftbasefindsmoothrec().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ftbase.ftbasefindsmoothrec().
inlinestatic |
inlinestaticprivate |
References alglib.ftbase.ftbasefindsmooth(), and alglib.ftbase.maxradix.
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftcomplexfftplan().
inlinestaticprivate |
References alglib.ap.assert(), alglib.ftbase.colparam0, alglib.ftbase.fasttransformplan.entries, alglib.ntheory.findprimitiverootandinverse(), alglib.ftbase.ftbasefindsmooth(), alglib.ftbase.ftfactorize(), alglib.ftbase.ftoptimisticestimate(), alglib.ftbase.ftprecomputebluesteinsfft(), alglib.ftbase.ftprecomputeradersfft(), alglib.ftbase.ftpushentry(), alglib.ftbase.ftpushentry2(), alglib.ftbase.ftpushentry4(), and alglib.ftbase.fasttransformplan.precr.
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftcomplexfftplan().
inlinestaticprivate |
References alglib.ftbase.ftpushentry2().
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftcomplexfftplanrec().
inlinestaticprivate |
References alglib.ftbase.colmicrovectorsize, alglib.ftbase.coloperandscnt, alglib.ftbase.coloperandsize, alglib.ftbase.colparam0, alglib.ftbase.colparam1, alglib.ftbase.colparam2, alglib.ftbase.colparam3, alglib.ftbase.coltype, alglib.ftbase.fasttransformplan.entries, and alglib.apserv.imatrixresize().
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftcomplexfftplanrec(), and alglib.ftbase.ftpushentry().
inlinestaticprivate |
References alglib.ftbase.colmicrovectorsize, alglib.ftbase.coloperandscnt, alglib.ftbase.coloperandsize, alglib.ftbase.colparam0, alglib.ftbase.colparam1, alglib.ftbase.colparam2, alglib.ftbase.colparam3, alglib.ftbase.coltype, alglib.ftbase.fasttransformplan.entries, and alglib.apserv.imatrixresize().
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftcomplexfftplanrec().
inlinestaticprivate |
References alglib.ap.assert(), alglib.ftbase.fasttransformplan.bluesteinpool, alglib.ftbase.colmicrovectorsize, alglib.ftbase.coloperandscnt, alglib.ftbase.coloperandsize, alglib.ftbase.colparam0, alglib.ftbase.colparam1, alglib.ftbase.coltype, alglib.ftbase.fasttransformplan.entries, alglib.ftbase.ffttwcalc(), alglib.ftbase.ftapplycomplexcodeletfft(), alglib.ftbase.ftapplycomplexcodelettwfft(), alglib.ftbase.ftapplycomplexreffft(), alglib.ftbase.ftbluesteinsfft(), alglib.ftbase.ftradersfft(), alglib.ftbase.internalcomplexlintranspose(), and alglib.apserv.touchint().
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftapplyplan().
inlinestaticprivate |
References alglib.ap.assert().
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftapplysubplan().
inlinestaticprivate |
References alglib.ap.assert().
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftapplysubplan().
inlinestaticprivate |
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftapplysubplan().
inlinestaticprivate |
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftcomplexfftplanrec().
inlinestaticprivate |
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftapplysubplan().
inlinestaticprivate |
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftcomplexfftplanrec().
inlinestaticprivate |
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftapplysubplan().
inlinestaticprivate |
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftcomplexfftplanrec().
inlinestaticprivate |
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftcomplexfftplanrec().
inlinestaticprivate |
inlinestaticprivate |
inlinestaticprivate |
inlinestaticprivate |
References alglib.ap.assert().
inlinestaticprivate |
References alglib.ap.assert().
const int alglib.ftbase.ftbaseplanentrysize = 8 |
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftbasegenerateplanrec().
const int alglib.ftbase.ftbasecffttask = 0 |
const int alglib.ftbase.ftbaserfhttask = 1 |
const int alglib.ftbase.ftbaserffttask = 2 |
const int alglib.ftbase.fftcooleytukeyplan = 0 |
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftbasegenerateplanrec().
const int alglib.ftbase.fftbluesteinplan = 1 |
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftbasegenerateplanrec().
const int alglib.ftbase.fftcodeletplan = 2 |
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftbasegenerateplanrec().
const int alglib.ftbase.fhtcooleytukeyplan = 3 |
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftbasegenerateplanrec().
const int alglib.ftbase.fhtcodeletplan = 4 |
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftbasegenerateplanrec().
const int alglib.ftbase.fftrealcooleytukeyplan = 5 |
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftbasegenerateplanrec().
const int alglib.ftbase.fftemptyplan = 6 |
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftbasegenerateplanrec().
const int alglib.ftbase.fhtn2plan = 999 |
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftbasegenerateplanrec().
const int alglib.ftbase.ftbaseupdatetw = 4 |
const int alglib.ftbase.ftbasecodeletrecommended = 5 |
const double alglib.ftbase.ftbaseinefficiencyfactor = 1.3 |
const int alglib.ftbase.ftbasemaxsmoothfactor = 5 |
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftbaseissmooth().
const int alglib.ftbase.coltype = 0 |
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftapplysubplan(), alglib.ftbase.ftpushentry2(), and alglib.ftbase.ftpushentry4().
const int alglib.ftbase.coloperandscnt = 1 |
const int alglib.ftbase.coloperandsize = 2 |
const int alglib.ftbase.colmicrovectorsize = 3 |
const int alglib.ftbase.colparam0 = 4 |
const int alglib.ftbase.colparam1 = 5 |
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftapplysubplan(), alglib.ftbase.ftpushentry2(), and alglib.ftbase.ftpushentry4().
const int alglib.ftbase.colparam2 = 6 |
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftpushentry2(), and alglib.ftbase.ftpushentry4().
const int alglib.ftbase.colparam3 = 7 |
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftpushentry2(), and alglib.ftbase.ftpushentry4().
const int alglib.ftbase.colscnt = 8 |
const int alglib.ftbase.opend = 0 |
const int alglib.ftbase.opcomplexreffft = 1 |
const int alglib.ftbase.opbluesteinsfft = 2 |
const int alglib.ftbase.opcomplexcodeletfft = 3 |
const int alglib.ftbase.opcomplexcodelettwfft = 4 |
const int alglib.ftbase.opradersfft = 5 |
const int alglib.ftbase.opcomplextranspose = -1 |
const int alglib.ftbase.opcomplexfftfactors = -2 |
const int alglib.ftbase.opstart = -3 |
const int alglib.ftbase.opjmp = -4 |
const int alglib.ftbase.opparallelcall = -5 |
const int alglib.ftbase.maxradix = 6 |
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftdeterminespacerequirements().
const int alglib.ftbase.updatetw = 16 |
const int alglib.ftbase.recursivethreshold = 1024 |
const int alglib.ftbase.raderthreshold = 19 |