The IGLib base library EXTENDED - with other lilbraries and applications.
Classes | |
class | logitmcstate |
class | logitmodel |
class | mnlreport |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static void | mnltrainh (double[,] xy, int npoints, int nvars, int nclasses, ref int info, logitmodel lm, mnlreport rep) |
static void | mnlprocess (logitmodel lm, double[] x, ref double[] y) |
static void | mnlprocessi (logitmodel lm, double[] x, ref double[] y) |
static void | mnlunpack (logitmodel lm, ref double[,] a, ref int nvars, ref int nclasses) |
static void | mnlpack (double[,] a, int nvars, int nclasses, logitmodel lm) |
static void | mnlcopy (logitmodel lm1, logitmodel lm2) |
static double | mnlavgce (logitmodel lm, double[,] xy, int npoints) |
static double | mnlrelclserror (logitmodel lm, double[,] xy, int npoints) |
static double | mnlrmserror (logitmodel lm, double[,] xy, int npoints) |
static double | mnlavgerror (logitmodel lm, double[,] xy, int npoints) |
static double | mnlavgrelerror (logitmodel lm, double[,] xy, int ssize) |
static int | mnlclserror (logitmodel lm, double[,] xy, int npoints) |
static void | mnltrainh (double[,] xy, int npoints, int nvars, int nclasses, ref int info, logitmodel lm, mnlreport rep) |
static void | mnlprocess (logitmodel lm, double[] x, ref double[] y) |
static void | mnlprocessi (logitmodel lm, double[] x, ref double[] y) |
static void | mnlunpack (logitmodel lm, ref double[,] a, ref int nvars, ref int nclasses) |
static void | mnlpack (double[,] a, int nvars, int nclasses, logitmodel lm) |
static void | mnlcopy (logitmodel lm1, logitmodel lm2) |
static double | mnlavgce (logitmodel lm, double[,] xy, int npoints) |
static double | mnlrelclserror (logitmodel lm, double[,] xy, int npoints) |
static double | mnlrmserror (logitmodel lm, double[,] xy, int npoints) |
static double | mnlavgerror (logitmodel lm, double[,] xy, int npoints) |
static double | mnlavgrelerror (logitmodel lm, double[,] xy, int ssize) |
static int | mnlclserror (logitmodel lm, double[,] xy, int npoints) |
Public Attributes | |
const double | xtol = 100*math.machineepsilon |
const double | ftol = 0.0001 |
const double | gtol = 0.3 |
const int | maxfev = 20 |
const double | stpmin = 1.0E-2 |
const double | stpmax = 1.0E5 |
const int | logitvnum = 6 |
Static Private Member Functions | |
static void | mnliexp (ref double[] w, double[] x) |
static void | mnlallerrors (logitmodel lm, double[,] xy, int npoints, ref double relcls, ref double avgce, ref double rms, ref double avg, ref double avgrel) |
static void | mnlmcsrch (int n, ref double[] x, ref double f, ref double[] g, double[] s, ref double stp, ref int info, ref int nfev, ref double[] wa, logitmcstate state, ref int stage) |
static void | mnlmcstep (ref double stx, ref double fx, ref double dx, ref double sty, ref double fy, ref double dy, ref double stp, double fp, double dp, ref bool brackt, double stmin, double stmax, ref int info) |
static void | mnliexp (ref double[] w, double[] x) |
static void | mnlallerrors (logitmodel lm, double[,] xy, int npoints, ref double relcls, ref double avgce, ref double rms, ref double avg, ref double avgrel) |
static void | mnlmcsrch (int n, ref double[] x, ref double f, ref double[] g, double[] s, ref double stp, ref int info, ref int nfev, ref double[] wa, logitmcstate state, ref int stage) |
static void | mnlmcstep (ref double stx, ref double fx, ref double dx, ref double sty, ref double fy, ref double dy, ref double stp, double fp, double dp, ref bool brackt, double stmin, double stmax, ref int info) |
inlinestatic |
References alglib.logit.logitvnum, alglib.math.machineepsilon, alglib.math.minrealnumber, alglib.mlpbase.mlpcreatec0(), alglib.mlpbase.mlpgradnbatch(), alglib.mlpbase.mlphessiannbatch(), alglib.mlpbase.mlpinitpreprocessor(), alglib.mlpbase.mlpproperties(), alglib.logit.mnlmcsrch(), alglib.logit.mnlreport.ngrad, alglib.logit.mnlreport.nhess, alglib.math.randomreal(), alglib.trfac.spdmatrixcholesky(), alglib.densesolver.spdmatrixcholeskysolve(), and alglib.logit.logitmodel.w.
Referenced by alglib.mnltrainh().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), alglib.logit.mnliexp(), and alglib.logit.logitmodel.w.
Referenced by alglib.logit.mnlallerrors(), alglib.logit.mnlavgce(), alglib.logit.mnlclserror(), alglib.mnlprocess(), and alglib.logit.mnlprocessi().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.logit.mnlprocess().
Referenced by alglib.mnlprocessi().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.logit.logitmodel.w.
Referenced by alglib.mnlunpack().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.logit.logitvnum, and alglib.logit.logitmodel.w.
Referenced by alglib.mnlpack().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.logit.logitmodel.w.
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), alglib.math.minrealnumber, alglib.logit.mnlprocess(), and alglib.logit.logitmodel.w.
Referenced by alglib.mnlavgce().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.logit.mnlclserror().
Referenced by alglib.mnlrelclserror().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), alglib.logit.logitvnum, alglib.logit.mnlallerrors(), and alglib.logit.logitmodel.w.
Referenced by alglib.mnlrmserror().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), alglib.logit.logitvnum, alglib.logit.mnlallerrors(), and alglib.logit.logitmodel.w.
Referenced by alglib.mnlavgerror().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), alglib.logit.logitvnum, alglib.logit.mnlallerrors(), and alglib.logit.logitmodel.w.
Referenced by alglib.mnlavgrelerror().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), alglib.logit.mnlprocess(), and alglib.logit.logitmodel.w.
Referenced by alglib.mnlclserror(), and alglib.logit.mnlrelclserror().
inlinestaticprivate |
References alglib.ap.assert().
Referenced by alglib.logit.mnlprocess().
inlinestaticprivate |
References alglib.ap.assert(), alglib.bdss.dserraccumulate(), alglib.bdss.dserrallocate(), alglib.bdss.dserrfinish(), alglib.logit.logitvnum, alglib.logit.mnlprocess(), and alglib.logit.logitmodel.w.
Referenced by alglib.logit.mnlavgerror(), alglib.logit.mnlavgrelerror(), and alglib.logit.mnlrmserror().
inlinestaticprivate |
References alglib.logit.logitmcstate.brackt, alglib.logit.logitmcstate.dg, alglib.logit.logitmcstate.dginit, alglib.logit.logitmcstate.dgm, alglib.logit.logitmcstate.dgtest, alglib.logit.logitmcstate.dgx, alglib.logit.logitmcstate.dgxm, alglib.logit.logitmcstate.dgy, alglib.logit.logitmcstate.dgym, alglib.logit.logitmcstate.finit, alglib.logit.logitmcstate.fm, alglib.logit.logitmcstate.ftest1, alglib.logit.logitmcstate.fx, alglib.logit.logitmcstate.fxm, alglib.logit.logitmcstate.fy, alglib.logit.logitmcstate.fym, alglib.logit.logitmcstate.infoc, alglib.logit.mnlmcstep(), alglib.logit.logitmcstate.stage1, alglib.logit.logitmcstate.stmax, alglib.logit.logitmcstate.stmin, alglib.logit.stpmax, alglib.logit.stpmin, alglib.logit.logitmcstate.stx, alglib.logit.logitmcstate.sty, alglib.logit.logitmcstate.width, alglib.logit.logitmcstate.width1, and alglib.logit.logitmcstate.xtrapf.
Referenced by alglib.logit.mnltrainh().
inlinestaticprivate |
References alglib.math.sqr().
Referenced by alglib.logit.mnlmcsrch().
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestaticprivate |
inlinestaticprivate |
inlinestaticprivate |
inlinestaticprivate |
const double alglib.logit.xtol = 100*math.machineepsilon |
const double alglib.logit.ftol = 0.0001 |
const double alglib.logit.gtol = 0.3 |
const int alglib.logit.maxfev = 20 |
const double alglib.logit.stpmin = 1.0E-2 |
Referenced by alglib.logit.mnlmcsrch().
const double alglib.logit.stpmax = 1.0E5 |
Referenced by alglib.logit.mnlmcsrch().
const int alglib.logit.logitvnum = 6 |