NeurApp 1.1
NeurApp - software for exploring approximation by artificial neural networks on functions of one or two variables.

SerializationDtoNeuralApproximator.cs File Reference


class  IG::Neural::NeuralApproximatorDtoBase< Type >
 A data transfer object (DTO) for neural approximation classes that implement the INeuralApproximator interface. $A Igor Mar11;. More...
class  IG::Neural::NeuralApproximatorDtoBase
 A data transfer object (DTO) for neural approximation classes that implement the INeuralApproximator interface. $A Igor Mar11;. More...
class  IG::Neural::NeuralApproximatorAForgeDto
 A data transfer object (DTO) for the NeuralApproximatorAforge class. $A Igor Mar11;. More...


namespace  IG::Neural
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