NeurApp 1.1
NeurApp - software for exploring approximation by artificial neural networks on functions of one or two variables.

IG::Script Namespace Reference


class  LoadableScriptShellNeuralIT
 Base class for loadable scripts that are used as custom applications that inclued neural networks approximations and optimization. More...
class  LoadableScriptShellNeuralITOriginal
 Base class for loadable scripts that are used as custom applications that inclued neural networks approximations and optimization. More...
class  LoadableScriptShellNeuralITOriginalBase
 Base class for loadable scripts that are used as custom applications that inclued neural networks approximations and optimization. More...
class  LoadableScriptShellNeural
 Base class for loadable scripts that are used as custom applications that inclued neural networks approximations and optimization. More...
class  LoadableScriptShellNeuralBase
 Base class for loadable scripts that are used as custom applications that inclued neural networks approximations and optimization. More...
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