23. junij - 30. september 2007

QUEST4 home  
location of the exhibition    
photos 1 (June 20th 2007)    
photos 2 (June 23rd, 2007)    
link to URBActions 2006

Sodelujoči študentje / participating artists:
Tree: Andrejka Štenkler, Eva Nina Cajnko,
Machine: Martina Černetič, Klemen Benedik, Mateja Abram, Eva Pantelič
Glory: Urška Debevc, Pila Rusjan, Sara Lovrec, Tina Krajnc, Bojana Križanec

Parkovni skulpturi Tree (Drevo) in Machine (Stroj) sta locirani na dvorišču, izzivajoč zaznavanje beneške kulise.

Projekta reflektirata lokacijo Ex Conventa na Sant'Eleni, ki leži na skrajni točki mesta, kjer obiskovalka in obiskovalec dobita občutek, da od te točke dalje obstajajo le še morje, veter in zrak.

Keramično drevo prevprašuje pojme kot so drevo, narava, okolje, njihove medsebojne povezanosti in odnose.

Stroj je v svoji pojavnosti bolj spada k žerjavom in transpoprtnim ladjam kot k muzejem ali galerijam, ki so historično lice Benetk. Zdi se kot neuporaben stroj, preko igrive interakcije z obiskovalci pa proizvaja zvok ali svetlobo ter tako napolni dvorišče z novimi, prej nedomačimi impulzi.

V večjem prostoru nekdanje cerkve se intermedijski objekt Glory (Slava) kaže kot soba, kot idealno skrivališče za iskalce slave pred kaosom in pritiski zunanjega sveta, vendar po vstopu vzdušje postane dvomljivo…


Quest4 glorytreemachine is a project by Famul Stuart School of Applied Arts, the exhibiton is organized by Famul Stuart and University of Nova Gorica. Quest4 consists of three site-specific projects: two large park sculptures and a multimedia installation.

The sculptures Tree and Machine are both located in the courtyard, challenging the perception of Venice scenery.

The origin of these two projects lies in the reflection of the location of Ex Convento at Sant'Elena, which lies at the very end of Venice, the impression of a visitor being there is only sea, wind and air from that point on.

The ceramic tree invites the visitor to rethink the notion of a tree and nature. Machine is in its appereance more in the like of cranes and transport boats than museums or galleries, which are the historical face of Venice. It looks like a useless machine, upon playful interaction with the visitor however, it produces sound or light, filling the courtyard with new, previously unfamiliar impulses.

The intermedial object Glory shows itself as a room within the large inner space of the former church, a space seeming to be the perfect hiding place from the chaos and pressure of the outside world of the gloryseekers but after entering the atmosphere becomes ambigous...

Projekt je bil zasnovan v različnih delavnicah pod okriljem predmeta Kontekstualni projekti, ki ga vodi Rene Rusjan z gostujočimi umetniki. Tokrat so to bili: / The project was concieved in different seminars within the framework of Contextual Projects course, run by Rene Rusjan with several guest artists, this year: Jaša Mrevlje, Primož Oberžan in Boštjan Drinovec. Pri različnih segmentih projekta so kot svetovalci sodelovali tudi: / With different segments of the project there were also additional advisors: Primož Nemec, Iztok Maroh, Irena Pivka in Boštjan Potokar.

Pri snovanju in realizaciji projekta so nam pomagali / For help with the realization of the project we thank:
Saša Dobričič, Galerija Ganes Pratt, Ane Monro Theatre, Henkel Slovenija, Peja Inženiring, Slovensko mladinsko gledališče, Ivan Petrnelj, Jasna Hribernik, Miloš Srdić, Matej Štenkler, Maja Modrijan, Jure Teržan,
Maja Vovk, Simon Štrok.

thanks to:

With the Patronage
of the Municipality
of Venezia - Murano- Burano

University of Nova Gorica
& Palazzo Cappello Venexia

Ex convento dei Servi di Maria,
Campo della Chiesa 3,
Sant’Elena, Venice, Italy

Quest4 glorytreemachine is a project of Famul Stuart School of Applied Arts Ljubljana,
the exhibiton is organized by KD Galerija GT, Famul Stuart and University of Nova Gorica.

Famul Stuart School of Applied Arts, Bezigrajski dvor, Dunajska 56, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
Tel.: 01 436 47 06 GSM: 051 33 67 70 (+386 1 436 47 06) e-mail:

Famul / Art World / School